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Andy pov

We let out of the kiss she looked at me with sadness in her eyes "Andy I love you but" she started to cry softly then she ran out of the room left all her stuff and just ran I followed her down "panda,what's wrong" Ronnie turned to her and followed her out the door. Why him why can't it be me I wish it was me.

Yn pov

I sat in the car and waited for Ronnie he finally got in "panda what happened" he looked at me with worried eyes "can we just go back to your place I don't want to talk about it" I looked out the window he didn't answer he just drove. 

We got to the house I got out of the car went in to the house and went straight to his room laying on the bed curling up in a ball under the covere. I don't love Ronnie I don't even like him he's a brother not a boyfriend. I got out of bed and went in to the main room "Ronnie do you like me".

Ronnie pov

"Ronnie do you like me" she asked "of cores I like you just not like a girlfriend more like a sister" I told her honestly "good" she ran out the doors I followed her "where are you going" I asked her "Andy's" she said running down the street 

Short filler chapter k bye

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