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It was during the day on Friday when Frank completed logging all the papers Gerard had given him. Usually, when he was done with a document, he'd forget it as soon as it was done - but with this, he remembered almost everything. It would be hard to forget.

However, this, including what Gerard had told him, was a lot of information to take in over the course of five days.

Thinking he deserved a break, finally, Frank slid all the papers into his bag and messed around on his computer, hoping to hell nobody would walk over and try to fire him.


When Frank got home, he was waiting for the person Gerard said he'd send over. He changed out of his suit and into his regular clothes - trying to keep it at least a bit formal, he thought, pulling on jeans that weren't ripped and an old band t-shirt that didn't have too many holes and stains in it.

Frank had dinner with Amy and discussed the aftermath of Frank leaving - what job she was going to get, et cetera. After they had eaten, Frank suddenly remembered what Amy had told him last week about meeting someone at work and the guilt of forgetting struck him harder than he expected it to.

"Amy! I, uh, you know that girl you were talking about last week?" Frank asked, somewhat ruefully.

Amy crossed her arms and met his eyes. "Yes, I remember. She has a boyfriend. I found out on Tuesday."

"I'm sorry," Frank said, and he meant it. He meant it a lot. "There'll be someone else, I promise."

"Oh, you can't be so sure," Amy said lightly, her voice contrasting with her flinty expression. Frank was overcome with another wave of guilt and reached across the table to touch her arm.

"I'm sorry I have to go to California. And I'm sorry I can't tell you why." And he was. He wanted to tell her about Gerard and about Project OZONE but he didn't want her to be in danger and he didn't want Gerard to kill him. He didn't think Gerard would want to jeopardize his own plans with Frank when he was already this far along, but Frank wouldn't put it past him.

Amy's arms were still crossed and her expression closed. Before he could say anything, there was a brief knock at the door.

Frank shot to his feet and hurried over to unlock it, glancing behind him to see Amy retreat up the stairs towards her room, giving him a encouraging look before disappearing.

Frank opened the door and froze.

"I thought you said you would send someone."

Gerard Way stood in the door, holding a dark umbrella to match the winter sky and looking like he'd just walked into work for the morning, night black hair elegantly messy and wearing that half smile that Frank couldn't admit to himself he liked. "And clearly I haven't."

Frank stared at him, and could feel Gerard's eyes sweep up and down his body. He didn't look that different without a suit, right? What if there was something on his face? Frank winced internally and gestured to the door.

"Um, yeah, do you want to come in?"

Gerard took half a step forward and stopped. He was focused on something directly to the right of Frank - almost, Frank thought, at my neck. The realization dawned on him a moment later and Frank snapped his hand up to cover the scorpion tattoo under his ear. Fuck, fuck, I'm so screwed. Frank swore gently under his breath and put his other hand up in a surrender.

"I can explain-!" It was a good thing Frank was cut off, because he didn't know how to explain.

"You have a tattoo," Gerard stated curiously. He put his umbrella down against the side of the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2018 ⏰

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