No time to lose. I brisk walked out of the palace and hoped to be unnoticed. I saw the limosuine waiting for me across the fountain so I quickly opened the door and collapsed inside.

"Finally. Now let's go," The driver said.

William drove us away into the airport. By some reason, no guards were stationed in the gates and that made our escape easier.

"Do you think he'll fall for it?" I asked him.

He nodded, "Zeke planned it all out. He even contacted the real Eldora and told her about the plan. She agreed to let you use her identity but you shouldn't do anything to make her image bad. Also, there's a plane ticket in that purse. You're going to bring that purse, by the way. Your luggage is in the back of the car and I'll take care of it."

I nodded, "Thank you for helping."

He smiled, "It's weird to see you thanking me when you're dressed up as Eldora."

I chuckled, "Is she not that nice?"

"She's nice if you see her true intentions. Her way is awful but her cause is great. She always has an air of superiority around her and she can intimidate everyone. Make sure to accomplish that."

I nodded, "I can do that."

I took the purse and looked through it's contents. The said plane ticket was there and also lipstick, a credit card, a fan, and other jewelry. I put the sunglasses there and close it.

"We're almost there," He said.

My heart beated at a fast pace so I took a deep breath to calm down.

"We're going through the back. Once they see the palace seal on this car, they'll let us enter."

Alright, Haidee. You can do this. Just remember, be a diva.

"Relax. I'm sure you'll do a great job." He reassured.

I sighed, "It's not that easy. What if I slip up?"

"You won't."

We entered through the back and like what he said, they let us enter. He swiftly parked the car and opened my door.

"Your supposed time of arrival is 6 am." He said and looked at his watch, "There's only ten minutes left. Just bring you luggage with you and walk as if you're on a catwalk."

I got out fron the car and took the sunglasses from the purse. He took the luggage from the back and pulled it with him as he led me to where passengers arrive.

He gave me the luggage, "I'll pretend that I'm waiting for you as your driver there. Now, go."

I nodded and pulled the bag. He rushed back to the front where he'll 'wait' for me.

I wore the glasses and walked like how Beatrice would. I'm pretty sure I look like an overly confident super star but that's what I'm aiming. When I walked inside the airport, some gasped and pointed. Cameras flashed but I ignored it and continued walking.

"Oh my god! It's the princess of Spain!" One girl exclaimed.

"Princess Eldora! Look at me please!"

"Pose for the cameras Princess Eldora!"

I flipped my hair and continued walking. I didn't know if I looked confident but I most ceratinly do not feel like that. My heels clicked against the tiled floor and I saw William in his driver uniform waiting there with a smirk.

I raised my eyebrow at him as I stopped in my tracks. I crosssed my arms and waited for him to approach me.

If I was going to be a diva, then I would not bring my luggage myself.

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