Saved by a Little Lightning

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Maven Calore said it the best, anyone can betray anyone.

It has been a long couple of months following the new bloods around and training to over power Maven. The fact that people hated him so much made me mad. A boy raised by his mother, controlled and forced to do things he never wanted to do. The feeling is familiar. There are things I never wanted to do, but was forced by the all mighty Mare Barrow.

When I learned about my own lightning powers, Mare showed hers to the entire country. Needless to say, I was jealous of her affair with the blue eyes prince.

My anger and jealousy towards her would come out as red sparks along my finger tips. They danced and jumped from both of my hands, sometimes catching trees on fire. Those were never the good days.

At one point, she "rescued" me and made me train with all the other lightning new bloods. It even went so far to dying my hair red to match with everyone else.

I knew the day was coming up. The day we storm the castle and kill Maven, except, I don't want him to die. I want to save him.

Instead of going along with the original plan, I'm going to hide within the walls of the palace. Well, I kind of am already doing this. Like right now.

Inside the walls is very dark. This is one of the few times I'm actually happy about having lightning powers, I can use them to see in the dark.

After wondering around for a while, I could hear loud footsteps near me. It wasn't like the last set of footsteps, which were ones of people running quickly, but stomps and jumps. Then, I heard his angelic voice, and her bitchy voice.

I should have suspected this to be the place I would find Maven and Mare fighting, I could easily see a locked door on one side of the room with a small table next to it. This had to be a trap door exit incase Maven needed a getaway.

All at once, the stomping and jumping stopped. It also got really quiet, like, an uncomfortable quiet. Sometime bad has definitely happened, but I can't go out there to expose myself. Mare would kill me on the spot.

I waited ten, maybe twenty, minutes before deciding to try opening the door. With my luck, it didn't budge. On the bright side, I also didn't hear anyone on the other side, which could mean a lot of things. Mare and Maven could be gone, both could be dead, both could be alive, one of them could be in there, and many other possibilities. I could feel Maven in there, at least. He has to be.

The electricity built up in my fingers, dancing from finger to finger until shocking the lock that kept me from going into the room. Very softly, I turn the knob and brought the door back. With the purple streaks in her hair, I could see Mare laying faced down into the floor. On the other side of the room, Maven is on his side with blood stains down his front.

"Alright, work with me," I mumble to myself as I pick Maven off the floor. He moans a little in my arms and completely slumps against my body.

We make it past the hidden door, so I lay him down in the dusty hallway to close the exit. There is absolutely no way I will be able to lock it again, but if I'm correct, nobody should know about this exit.

Once again, I get ahold of the prince and walk down the endless hallway.


"Where-where am I?"

I turn towards Maven with a damp washcloth and brought it over his forehead. His eyes move to my hand, down my arms, then up to my face.

"Am I dead?"

"God no," I say taking the washcloth away from his face. "After your little fight with the devil, I brought you into the secret walls of your castle to patch you up." Maven's eyes narrow at me. His eyes looks down at his chest and arms, seeing that nothing is fresh blood.

"Do I know you? You look very familiar, but—" Maven attempts to slide away from me, he doesn't get far with the pain in his chest.

I look away from him. "You don't have to say it, the hair gives it away. The new bloods made me do it with them. They are all literally so stupid!" A couple of bolts zapped out of my finger, hitting the wall in front of us. It quickly disappeared, leaving a burn mark on the rocks. "Sorry . . . I'm sorry, just thinking about them makes me want nothing but electrocuting them."

"So," Maven awkwardly trails off, "you saved me?"

I lean my head back against the wall. "You could say that. I definitely didn't want you to die, you don't deserve it." I take in a deep breath, "there's something about you worth saving, and I'm going to make sure of it."

Maven didn't speak again. He moved as fast as he could (which was pretty slow) to lay his head down on my leg. I could hear him take a deep breath before closing his eyes.

"Things will be right again, trust me."

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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