Special Nicknames

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1st Person POV

I could tell Maven is irritated with me. It wasn't even technically my fault. My skin is very sensitive, so when I get cold, I shiver and my skin turns into stone. That is what I get for being a stone skin. The reason why Maven hates it is because of how hard my skin gets when he cuddles me.

"Hey, Cuddle Bug," Maven says in a tired voice, stroking the side of my arm, "you cold?" His hand warms up the side of my arms, turning my skin back to normal. "I hate it when your skin is cold, then I'm cold, and we both know I can't be cold."

My head turns to look up at him. We both have silly expressions on our faces, he is smiling down at me and I'm rolling my eyes at him. "You know I can't help it. I get shivers when I'm cold, then my skin turns into stone when I don't expect it."

Maven responds with a small kiss on my forehead. Afterwards, he rests back along the couch and closes his eyes. "If you get too cold, I'll feel it and make you warm again. I love you, you know."

"I love you too, Lover Boy."


"Why can't I wear pants?" I whine out loud as soon as I entire the giant room of partygoers. Maven's family is hosting the party, so he is probably somewhere in the ballroom already.

Anyways, I hate dresses. I rarely wear them, but the few times I do, I hate every second of it. That is even the point of dresses, I can't hide any of my knives or swords in my outfit. All I want is to look like a badass.

Two arms come up behind me and wrap around my waist. I'm about to kick the person in the shins with my heels if they don't move away in the next three seconds.

"You look gorgeous, Munchkin."

Damn, there is only one person who calls me that.

"I told you not say that name in public, Buttercup," I sneer into Maven's ear. His arms wrap tighter around the waist as soon as his nickname came out of my mouth. For someone who doesn't like their nickname, Maven especially doesn't like his nickname. That's why I gave it to him.

Maven pulls my body closer to his own body. Well, as close as he could get with my fluffy dress. "Macanthos, I'm going to need you to make your skin soft again. Your stoneskin is so cold."

"Sorry, Calore," I say with gritted teeth, "I can't help it in the winter season and you know that." I drag one of his hands away from my waist to hold in the palm of my hand. The two of us start to walk around the ballroom hand in hand. "I hope you know that the only reason my skin goes back to normal is because of you."

His feet stop in the middle of the room and his mouth goes dangerously close to my ear again. "I know that, Sweetheart."

"Hey, Buttercup, your Mom needs you!" Maven and I both turn our heads around to the voice behind us. A couple feet away, Cal is standing there in a nearly identical suit as Maven's suit with his arms crossed over his chest.

"What the hell did you just call me?" Maven narrows his eyes at his brother, very annoyed with his sibling. I can already tell this is going to go downhill from here.

Cal takes a step forward. "I said, your mother needs you, Sweetheart. Also, I think little Miss Munchkin over here would like to eat some freshly made chocolate chip cookies that we specifically made for her."

"I am this close," Maven releases his grip from me and squishes his fingers real close, "to punching you, Cal. I can take your teasing, but the moment I hear those names come out of your mouth, it becomes unacceptable." He places a quick kiss along my forehead and stomps past Cal to go find his mom.

"If you will excuse me, Calore, I'm going to go find those cookies you were talking about." I pick up two handfuls of my dress and make my way towards the snack table, or the place where I think the snack table is located.

There is at least four people I politely nod my head at as I walk towards the food. I didn't know one of them, but the King and Queen Arven we're both very nice and Evangeline did not appreciate my kind smile. Cal tells me not to take it personally if Evangeline doesn't like me, she doesn't like most people.

"Let me guess, you've had three cookies so far?" Maven asks me as he approaches the snack table behind me. I turn around with half a cookie in my mouth and two more in my hand. My boyfriend breathes out a laugh. "Mother didn't even need me for very long, she wanted to know if you were spending the night after the party."

"I'm assuming you said yes?"

"Yeah, she wanted to make sure we had spare clothes for you." Maven shakes his head, "we both know you're going to wear my clothes anyways. I don't see why she bothers to get you spare ones."

"As long as I don't have to wear a fucking nightgown, I'm fine with whatever your family let's me wear." I pick up a chunk of my dress with one hand while my other hand is full of the cookies. "I'm going to go find my family, see you tonight."

Maven places a hand out in front of me to stop my moving feet. He gives me a quick kiss on the lips, then steals a piece of my cookie when I wasn't paying attention.

What a bastard.

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