CHAPTER 7: The Stranger In Black

Start from the beginning

Walking into the hotel, I smile in delight.

The song Heaven by EXO, was playing.

'I'm in love with this song.' I thought, as I hum to the song.

About 2 years ago, Alex and I, made a choice
to play music from around the world.

When I hear my phone ring, I answer.

"Hello, Tia Frederick speaking." I said, cheerfully.

"Hey Tia, it's me Taylor." She said.

I arch a brow, "Hey." I said, unsurely.

'The number is different' I thought.

"Lucas and I had an argument, again." Taylor said, sadly.

"Where are you?" I ask.

"I'm in a building, I'm using their telephone." She said.

I let out a deep sigh, "Where is it?" I ask.

I listen to her, while I walk to the hotel's reception.

"Good morning Thomas." I said, to the hotel's assistant manager.

"Good morning, Miss Tia." Thomas said, politely.

"I have a message for Mr Andre Alessandro." I said, "Tell him that I'll be with Taylor, please."

"I will." He said, nodding.

"Thank you." I begin walking towards the door, "Taylor, I'll be there in twenty minutes."

"Thank you, Tia."

I groan in displeasure, when I glimpse at my phone, "Ten percent." I must've forgotten to charge the phone. Great. When I'm outside, I look at the sky, the rain was getting heavier. Great. I sigh, and shrug my shoulders, "It doesn't matter, I need to be with her." I mutter. Though it's going to drain my battery further, I open the Uber app. "Luke Martin, five minutes away." Hopefully, he has a charger.

In the next 5 minutes, I step into the Uber. He didn't have a charger. Great. While I'm in the car, I message Andre, 'Hey Andre, I hope Thomas spoke to you but if not, I am going to talk to Taylor since her and Lucas had an argument. I was going to call but, my phone is on 8%. I will talk when I'm home. Bye, I love you'. While I sit in the taxi, I start to feel anxious. It felt like I'm walking into trouble, I don't know why either. "I thought the fight between Lucas and her was over." I mumble to myself. The situation felt strange. Really, strange. I shake my head, "I am only overthinking the situation." Without another thought, I ignore the feeling of uneasiness.

20 minutes later, we arrive.

"We're here." The Uber driver, said.

I look outside, 'It's quiet.'

Nevertheless, I step out.

I walk towards the building, in the freezing rain. "Taylor!" I yell, as I look around. I kept walking around, and when I couldn't find her, I stand underneath the building's pergola. "Where is she?" My body was shivering. I move towards the door and look through the glass. It's empty. That's weird. I look at my phone, it was wet and at 1%. My phone starts to ring with Taylor's name on the screen, but my screen goes black. Never-mind, 0%. "I thought she didn't have her-" My words are cut short when I felt someone's hand against my mouth.

'No, no.' I thought, feeling frightened.

The person makes me walk into the building, through the dark hallway and into an elevator. In the middle, there's a wooden chair and the person makes me sit down. The person stood behind me and cuffs my hands to the chair. "Please let me go." I whimper, trying to get a glimpse of the person's face. Though I can only see cold, brown eyes. "Please...." The person presses the number 20, before stepping out of the elevator. "Wait, don't leave!" I scream. The elevator door closes and gradually, goes up. "Help me!" My heart is pounding against my chest.

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