CHAPTER 5: 7 Years

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||CHAPTER 5: 7 Years ||


When I hear someone knocking on the door, I mutter a soft, "Yes."

I tilt my head to the side, 'Oh god, he looks good.' I thought. Logan was wearing a plain black shirt, black skinny jeans with a pink cap. He had a sweet smile on his face, and a cup of – I don't know what – in his hand. I observe Logan as he places the cup on the wooden bedside table.

"How are you feeling?"

I blush in embarrassment, "My head is aching and I feel nauseous." I said.

"I brought ginger tea." Logan said, with a laugh.

My face brightened, "Thank you!" I said, gratefully. I took the cup of ginger tea and slowly brought it to my lips, before taking a sip. "Hmm." I moan, "It's really good, Logan."

"I know." He said, winking.

"Did you learn, how to cure a hangover, in medical school?" I ask, curiously.

Logan shook his head, "Google."

'He's adorable.' I thought, smiling.

"Well, thank you."

'Oh wait.' I place the cup of ginger tea on the wooden bedside table, before leaning over at the right side of the bed. Placing the handbag on the bed, I take the black box. Inside, was a F. P. Journe black watch, I bought for Logan's 21st birthday. When I took a hold of Logan's hand, I felt a familiar spark but I bite my lip and ignore it. Immediately, I place the black box in his hand before letting go.

Logan took the black watch in his hand, before giving me the black box. "Tia, you didn't need to." He said, smiling, "But, thank you." He places the black watch on his left wrist, then he looks around the room. "Where's Andre?" He asked, arching his eyebrows.

"Oh, he is sleeping in the other room." I said.

Logan was about to speak but the sound of his phone ringing, interrupted him. "Oh okay," He mutters, nodding his head. "Well, drink he ginger tea and sleep. I'll be back in the afternoon, and if you're still here, maybe lunch?" He asked, with a little hint of hope in his voice.


When Logan wasn't in the room, I took the cup of ginger tea before taking a sip. "This is good." I said, to myself. After I place the ginger tea on the bedside table, again. I place my feet on the cold floor and stretch. However, the moment I felt my stomach hurt, I walk to the bathroom. 'Oh no, no.' I thought, before kneeling on the floor and well, vomiting. "This is disgusting." I mumble, before vomiting again. Standing up, I look at the toilet with disgust before pressing 'flush'. Slowly I took off my red, lace bed-dress and then, I step into the shower. "Oh, this is good." I whisper, the minute I felt the warm water travel down my body. I close my eyes, as I take a deep breath. But, when I remember how Logan and I were about to kiss, my eyes widened. I lean against the shower wall as I brought my fingers to my lips.

Last night, when Logan and I were in the room, alone. I felt a familiar feeling, a feeling I haven't felt in three long, years. It is a feeling that is hard to forget and because of it, I tried to ignore it. That, was hard too. Since I was drunk, I was thinking straight and I was slowly going to lose control. I felt the strong desire to kiss him.

But, I didn't.

I didn't deserve too.

"Oh god, what is wrong with me."

I look at the bathroom door when I hear a knock.


"Good morning beautiful." Andre said.

The Nerd and I, One Last Timeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن