CHAPTER 13: You Are My Sunshine

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||CHAPTER 13: You Are My Sunshine||


As I sat in the warm, peaceful café with a warm cup of hot chocolate – a swirl of challenging emotions built inside of me. Happiness, Frustration and...


How do you say, I love you?

I sigh, looking at a Polaroid photograph that hung prominently on the café's wall. It was a part of the cafe's eclectic decor, a collection of snapshots capturing moments of joy, love, and nostalgia, shared by the patrons over the years. This particular photograph had always caught my attention, and I couldn't help but steal a glance at it every time I visited.

The photograph featured Tia and I, captured in a candid moment. I remember the day vividly; it was a sunny afternoon when we had decided to visit the cafe together for the first time. We had ordered our favourite drinks, engaged in deep conversations, and shared laughter that resonated with our hearts. The photograph had captured us both mid-laughter, she was looking down and I was looking at her, in a shared moment of pure happiness.

As I looked at the photograph, I couldn't help but smile. My heart fluttered with warmth and longing as I remembered that day. It was a reminder of the connection we shared. But it was also a reminder of my hesitation, my fear of revealing my true feelings. She had always been my sunshine, the one who brightened even the darkest days. I wished I could just tell her how much she meant to me. I felt like saying – no, screaming I love you until my throat was sore, but the reality was that she loved Logan and Andre. So, I kept my feelings buried deep within, hidden from everyone.

"How do you say, I love you – when you know it can't be reciprocated?" I whispered to myself, tracing the rim of my hot chocolate cup with my finger. I thought about the conversation between my father and me. I smile, he was a wise man who had his share of life's ups and downs. I remember asking him, and him smiling softly. He said to write a letter, expressing how I feel. Then, as always, he shares his story about meeting our mother. He first caught a glimpse of her, standing from across the street with a bouquet of roses, and he said it was love at first sight. Cliché, isn't it?

Then I asked him, how do you know when is the perfect time and place? I remember him saying that time is precious as it doesn't wait for us. We cannot control time or slow it down. Therefore, it is important to prioritize the important people in our lives, and not waste our time. He finished by saying, "Do not wait for the perfect moment, make the most of every moment you have".

As I wrestled with my feelings, the café's doorbell jingled, and there she was – Tia, the one who had unwittingly stolen my heart. She entered with a radiant smile that could chase away the darkest clouds.

"Hey Sunshine," I said, my voice soft with affection, and she giggled. Tia walked over and joined me at the table.

We exchanged pleasantries, and as we settled into the comfortable rhythm of conversation, she leaned in slightly, her eyes twinkling with interest.

"You know," she began, her voice playful, "I never asked you why you call me 'Sunshine.' What's the story behind that?" Tia's curiosity got the best of her, and I was fucked.

I hesitated for a moment, my heart pounding in my chest. Then, I took a deep breath and looked into Tia's eyes, the weight of my unspoken emotions heavy but determined.

'Say it,' I thought. Taking a deep breath, I locked eyes with her and started to speak, my voice trembling with a mixture of fear and hope. Just as the words were about to escape my lips, my phone buzzed insistently in my pocket. My heart sank as I retrieved it and saw his name on the screen.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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