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Abhishek's Pov

Once again I was at Preeti's house, waiting for her to get ready so we could leave for the crime scene. Another one of the cases we had been assigned to together. We make a good team. She is more diligent and skeptical , while I am more experienced and knowledgeable thus we make up for each others shortfalls. Our last case together had been just a month ago...ahh here she comes, looking all professional in her outfit with her chocolate brown wavy hair tied up in a ponytail,  wearing a no makeup look. I peeled my eyes away from her before she could catch me admiring her beauty and made my way to the car.

We reached the victim's mansion at 10:00 am. Just within a couple hours of occurence this case had become the talk of the town and why wouldn't it be, after all it was the famous business tycoon, 'Joseph' who was murdered.

We went to the crime spot, Joseph's bedroom on the ground floor. A clean and tidy room with all things nicely arranged. Nothing seemed to be out of place. On the floor laid Joseph, facedown, dressed in night clothes, a pool of blood around his head. On looking closely, one could easily see that his throat had been cut, cutting his windpipe, making him choke to death.

His body was taken away for post-mortem.
We investigated the room for any clues but didn't find many. Just a coat button which Preeti found under the bed.

There were no signs of forced entry either on the entrance door of the mansion or on the bedroom door , but the bedroom window was open and outside it were a set of muddy shoeprints which could belong to the culprit.

The forensic experts were doing there part too, collecting samples of blood , hair and fingerprints, taking photographs of shoeprints, looking for any traces left behind by the murderer.

Now it was the time to talk to his family and servants.

Hey readers!
Do let me know what you think of the story in the comments and don't forget to vote if you like it.

A/N: English is not my first language so there might be some errors.

The images used in this story are taken from Google.
This story is purely a work of my imagination and should not be reproduced or copied.

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