An unexpected revelation

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Preeti's Pov

After meeting Venessa and Maria , we went to the forensic lab to collect the reports about Joseph's murder. We came to know that Joseph had probably died between 9:00pm to 10:00pm . Joseph had died as his wind pipe was cut choking him to death. Also, his head was hit by something, hard enough to knock him out. There were no signs of any other struggle or fight on Joseph's body.

Traces of alcohol and poison were found in his blood but only in a small amount not sufficient to kill him. The same poison was found in his glass of wine with fingerprints of two different people . Different fingerprints were found on other items of his room some his own and some unknown.

Shoe prints were also analyzed to reveal that they were made by shoes of size 9. The shoe prints were such that they were only going from the window to the concrete path and not those coming towards the window, this could only mean one thing that the killer entered through the door but exited through the window. But why couldn't he exit from the door when he had come through It?
Why did he cut Joseph's throat when he had already poisoned his drink?

This case was getting more and more twisted with every new discovery. So we decided that we needed to get some answers . Peter must have already got to know that we came to know about his little escapade from the family function so it was better to confront him about it and ask him for his alibi, after all he was our prime suspect now.

Abhishek's pov

We approached Peter and when he saw us coming from a distance his face paled, for just a second. I might have even missed it, if my observation skills hadn't been so sharp, though, he covered it up quickly and put on a neutral expression. This man was surely hiding something.

We came straight to the business and asked him about his disappearance from the family function.
He said that he had a dinner meeting with a foreign client which he couldn't postpone as his client had to leave for his flight.
He gave us the necessary details like time and place of meeting and we also talked to his client and his secretary.

He had indeed gone to attend the meeting.

Damn! This case is so twisted . Who do you think poisoned his drink ? and Why?

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