More clues

28 7 1

Preeti's pov

The next day Abhishek had other urgent tasks at hand so I decided to go through whatever clues we had gathered so far to look for anything that we were missing.
Footprints of size 9, a wine glass with 2 different fingerprints, a shirt button...wait, The Shirt Button!!!
Why didn't I think of this earlier....Now where is that button....ahh, here it is. Now let's see, it's fairly big in size than shirt buttons, which means it must be that of a coat and golden in color, it even looks like it is made of it really?... (sniffs) it smells like gold Too!! It is very much made of gold. So our killer is filthy rich too perhaps... (turns it over) M.T ? perhaps the manufacturer. Not many people use such gold buttons if I am able to find the manufacturer , it could lead me to the killer...Bingo! so now I just need a list of traders with initials M.T that make such buttons. I called a couple of my informers who could provide me with that list and in less than half an hour I had the names of the manufacturers that made this kind of buttons which were only three in this town.
I decided to visit them one by one. The first one was not much far, reached in ten minutes. I went inside the establishment and showed my id card . Hell yeah let's straightforward talk business. I enquired him about his customers of gold buttons. He came up with a list of just four.
1. Yash Raichand

2. Vijay Mallya

3. Raunak Malhotra

4. Irfan Malik

Hmm...none of these seemed to be connected to Joseph.
But I pocketed the list anyway, if the need be....

And went on to the second manufacturer, Magnifique Traders . He came up with a list of five....

1. Rivaaz Mehta

2. Manjeet Singh

3. Steve Parker

4. Phunsuk Wangdoo


PETER ??? Is he the killer?
What do you think???

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 05, 2019 ⏰

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