Chapter 4~ The Hot Rainbow

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"Here you guys go!" Eme smiled with a glint in her eye as she placed the empty plates infront of her guests, the silverware already set. "The food will be out in just a sec!" and with the spin of her heel she was back in the kitchen.

The table was silent as the three males sat with uncomfortableness and a lack of eye contact. Vasbar and Vincent weren't typically great at starting conversations, due to the fact that both of them had anxiety disorders that couldn't really be helped and James? Well, he just found it quite tricky to talk after just meeting two people that he's never met before.

Who knew that men could be so awkward?

James then spoke out of the blue erupting the awkward silence after a few agonising minutes, like a gunshot in the middle of the woods, "sooo-," he dragged out the syllables in the word clearly trying to think of something to say to the two anxiety ridden males, " How's it going?" he smiled distastefully at the fact that he had nothing to say.

A shiver coursed throughout Vasbar's body as James's voice reverberated throughout his whole immune system and his face became flushed instantly, "Oh- u-uh" he stuttered his words out of being lovestruck and nerves.

'Come on Vas, you can do this, don't embarrass yourself, again!' his inner turmoil yelling at him.

"It's- been.. it's been great- I guess" he forced a smile on his face , sweat forming on  his right temple which made him look sort of psychotic. 'fuck- well done you.' and he lowered his head slightly but kept looking at the male opposite him.

"That's good!" James replied with relief as someone answered him, he seemed to be unphased by Vasbar's not so secretive anxiety and he smiled normally at the smaller male which sent him into an internal frenzy.

"eheh-.." Vasbar half spluttered half squeezed out of the back of his throat, "and - y-you?" he spoke in the same, strangled like tone which caused him to cough slightly and more sweat formed on his forehead. This was not going so well for him.

"Yeah- about the same for me" the older male spoke, "I've just been busy with work and boring old adulty stuff" he winked at him. "It's not fun let me tell you that- it just sucks ass really" he laughed slightly, picking up a butter knife off of the table and messing with it.

The wink that was shared between them caused the younger males' heart to beat like there was no tomorrow. It thumped so hard that he thought that it was going to sprout arms and pop out of his chest to go and hug James. "Holy fuck- holy fuck- holy fuck- AAAAAA' the male's body was going crazy from the interaction and he had never experienced anything like this before which caused him to feel weak. (( If  you know what I mean ;) ))

He gulped before he opened his mouth to speak but Eme came into the room with about six plates full of food on her arms like an experienced waitress. "Here we areee!" she slightly sung knowing full well how long she left the males to talk, "a fine meal prepared by yours truly!" she smirked placing the food on the table before taking a seat at the head of the table. "Dig in! Take as much as you like" she said already reaching for the food. The redness from Vasbar's face starting to dissipate.

Eme had cooked a pristine amount of food and the aroma filled Vasbar's nose with a brutal but heavenly force which caused his stomach to rumble quietly. There before him was a roast dinner. One plate owned a bunch of perfectly golden and a crisp looking batch of roast potatoes, another housed a mixture of vegetables: broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, lettuce, you name it, the vegetable was there, another one showed off the brownness of the Yorkshire puddings and others showed off other bits and bobs that Eme had thrown together but the one plate that was the most eye catching was the flawless slab of the roast gammon! The best meat to eat, in Vas's opinion.

He sighed quietly and then joined everyone in helping themselves to the food.

The table was once again silent, but not awkward, more like contentedness as the people consumed the food that Eme had spent her whole afternoon preparing.

"Mm! Eme this food is delicious!" James spoke as he looked at his sister, " When did you become such a good cook?" he said teasing her, earning a solid reaction from her.

"Since, uh, like, forever, James!" She said with a scowl on her face before she turned cocky, and a smirk creeped on her face, " You're just saying that because you can't cook for shit!" This acquired an exaggerated gasp from James, "How dare you!" they then laughed, their sibling 'rivalry' non-existant as the two were peas in a pod.

Vasbar admired their relationship as he had never seen siblings be this close. He had never had a sibling so this was a new experience him. He was looking at James for a while, watching him being happy until a couple of minutes later, he realised James was staring directly back at him which caused him to quickly glance down and use his fork to mess with the food on his plate. James doing the same. The blush making a reappearance on Vasbar's cheeks. Eme noticed this and smirked to herself before continuing to munch on her food. Vincent just in his own world.

They all sat in a satisfied silence as they fed their stomachs until Eme decided to spark up a conversation between Vasbar and James seeing how flustered each of them were around eachother. 

"Soooo" she coughed which gained the attention of both of the males, " What are you guy's favourite romantic gesture?" A smirk pasted mercilessly on her face.

This causes Vasbar to choke on his food for a few seconds earning a concerned look from James  and he quickly put his right hand over his mouth and his other hand on his elbow, his face burning a bright red.

James just sat there with his mouth ajar, wondering what had brought this conversation to her mind. "uh well-" he accidently makes eye contact with Vasbar which causes his face to flush slightly as did Vasbar's, but more so. "I don't know really - a hug? a handhold? I'm not too sure" he says seeming cool.

"Booooring" Eme says with a grin before she turns to Vasbar, " What about you Vassypoo? What's your favourite romantic gesture~?"

The male froze, James and Eme were both looking at him for an answer.  "I-Uh-" he strangles out slightly coughing again before abruptly standing up almost slamming his hands on the table as he almost fell over from being flustered, "h-have to go t-the toilet- I-I'll be right back" he says before he quickly shuffles to the bathroom and unintentionally slams the door shut. 


5 minutes pass and Vasbar hasn't returned to the table, his food untouched from the last time he was present and Eme spots her chance to tease her brother.

"You like him don't you?" she says leaning on her elbows towards him.

James' eyes widen, "What- no! I don't even know the guy!" he gulps as his face turns red.

She gasps and nudges him, "You totally dooooo!" 

"I DO NOT!" he slightly yells at her his face now flushed.

" Don't deny it~ I can read you like a book James!"

He just tuts and leans back in his chair with his arms crossed, pouting, "Fine-!"

She slightly squeals, "aaa oh! My brother is finally in love!"



Vasbar rinsed his face with water before he looked at himself in the overhanging mirror above the sink, "oh my good God" he says quietly to himself, "She knows- That is not a good sign-"

He was a hot rainbow- and there was no getting away from it- what was going to happen next-?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2018 ⏰

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