Insane 3 | Accompanied

Start from the beginning

"You're lucky because most girls would die to be in your position right now. To be honest, you're not the first broad that we have actually seen him with. My friend Zayn here isn't really good at keeping women around. So hopefully you'll be different," says Kate, the Afro-Latina with the curly locks around her face and tattoos. She's his hit-woman and an old fling. She kept her voice optimistic but everybody in this section knows deep down she was jealous of Mori.

"Thanks," was all Mori said before she crossed her legs over each other. She wasn't going to go there with Kate, not in front of these people or in this club. It was something about the way her words dripped with envy. Mori knew that she was obviously upset that she was with Zayn. But decided not to let it bother her.

"Anyways," August, the black and handsome tatted man with crinkly hair on top of his head, decided to clear his throat to cut the tension. "We're glad to have you around again Z. You've been gone for too long."

"I know, but I'm back now. Hopefully nobody has caused you any trouble, right?" Zayn questioned looking at the group.

They had shook their heads in response, August continuing, "Nah, everything was good on this side of the city. But we have been hearing some things about you being involved with the Macho and Styles beef."

"We took care of it, ain't nothing to worry about now. I'm back on my side of the city and that is what matters right now," Zayn confirmed to them.

"So you're apart of Harry's crew?" Sen asked Mori.

"Yeah," Mori nodded. "I've known him for quite some time."

"So you slept with him?" Kate asked bluntly, trying her hardest to get underneath Mori's skin.

"No, he's like a big brother to me," Mori told her truthfully. She didn't know what Kate was doing but she didn't like it at all.

"Oh..well I mean we all heard that before, right guys?" She inquired as she looked at the rest of the crew that was getting annoyed by her presence.

"Shut up Kate," Roman mumbled underneath breath, soon rolling his eyes.

"I was just asking a simply question," she shrugged, seeming unbothered that she was making Mori uncomfortable.

"Anyways, how did you guys even meet?" Sen asked in hopes of getting Kate to stop talking.

Mori smiled, "Well I—,"

"Harry sent this angel my way," Zayn cut her off as he placed his hand on her knee, soon placing a quick kiss on her bronze highlighted cheek.

"Unfortunately," Mori muttered which caused the group to laugh a little bit.

Zayn eyebrows pinched together as he looked at her, "Hey, that's rude."

"So you guys carried out the mission to kill the Macho's huh?" Roman had asked.

"Yeah pretty much," Mori nodded. "Along with help of course. We couldn't do it all by ourselves. It was wild, but it was all worth it." The news about it had spread like wildfire, and it made people feel relieved that the family wasn't going to be terrorizing people anymore.

"You know what they say. A couple that kills together, stays together," Sen smiled, he was pleased that Mori was with Zayn. He felt like she was the perfect match for him.

"Nobody says that," Kate scoffed rolling her eyes.

"Yo, shut the hell up Bitter Britney," August finally addressed her with a groan.

"Whatever, I'm gonna go get me a drink," Kate stood up out of her seat and walked out of the VIP section.

"Yeah, you go do that!" Carlos added in shouting, causing the group to crack up.

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