Bitch meet Witch

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So let me get this straight," she said. "You guys think you can help me?"

Why was it so hard to understand? The girl was capable of incredible things herself. She could bring back the dead.

"If you can help me, why don't you bring him back yourself?" She stared at us like it was really that simple. My chest ached, I wished it was easy. I wish we could conjure a spell and bring my dad back to life. But it wasn't, and I didn't even know why.

"You can't bring a life back without serious consequences." Slade crossed his arms. "There's a reaction for every death," he explained.

She wiped down a table, and looked up, her jaw clenched. "If there was anyone who could understand that it would be me."

From the looks of her she wasn't all that significant. She was pretty, and a bit defensive. But I didn't blame her, she had to deal with Kenny that would make anyone that way.

She looked over her shoulder and back at us.

"But we can do something to keep you safe so you can help us," Slade said.

I held my breath. She slipped a hand in her apron and pulled out a phone. She scrolled through it and shoved it at us. "This is my son. And if anything ever happened to me he would be devastated. So the answer is no."

"It's the same for me. He's my dad and I have two brothers at home who are still young. They need him." My heart sank, she sighed and moved on to the next table.

"I'm not trying to sound like a bitch, but that's not my problem." She shrugged and walked away.

Slade grabbed me before I could take off after her. "Just give her some time to think about it. We know where she works, we can always come back."

I stared at my hands. "She's not going to do it." She was right, why would she do it? She had nothing to gain and a hell of a lot to lose.

"Let's hope Kenny sees it that way," I said.

Grim Magic (Book 4 of the Ink Series)Where stories live. Discover now