One pearl One kiss

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Red Pearl POV

I was cleaning the corridors of the palace when I suddenly saw prince Ruby passing by I stood up and greeted him "hello my prince" I said not remembering what he had been telling me every day "I've told you already Red Pearl call me Ruby we are friends so no need for formalities by the way is my father in the castle?" He asked I nodded "he is in his office" he nodded and started running "wait!" I said he stopped and looked at me "yes pearl?" He said smiling " nothing sorry for interrupting you" I said he nodded and ran away why couldn't I be able to tell him? it because I know I'll never have a chance? Or is it because I'm just scared to hear the rejection we have been friends since we were kids and I still can't find the straight to tell him how I feel sigh......"red pearl is everything ok?" The queen asked "yes your majesty" I said bowing down "oh please red don't do this my son has made it clear no formalities are needed by the way what is making you to have that face?" She asked "can we talk about it somewhere else?" I asked she nodded "let's go to the royal garden" she said I followed her "so pearl what is it that troubles you?" She asked

Red Pearl: your youngest has got me..... feeling like this...

Rubilette: Ruby?

Red Pearl: yes my queen I know it's not right and I know I shouldn't have let my guard down but he was too kind

Rubilette: I don't understand your point here

Red Pearl: I fell for you son Ruby but he already has a lover

Rubilette: worry not I know Ruby is too kind and selfless but still he will not hate you for having feelings toward him

Red Pearl:.....I don't know what to do my queen..

Rubilette: follow your heart it will tell you what to do

Red Pearl: yes my queen

I went back to cleaning the corridors and finished and saw Ruby walking toward his room angry "what's the matter Ruby?" I said looking at the floor "my father...he won't listen to me he lost a son already and if he keeps up this attitude he will loose his other son sooner or later" he said "I understand.." I said "so Pearl how have you been doing?" He asked "fine"  "need help carrying that?" He said pointing at the bocket I looked at the floor "I'll take it as a yes" we started walking to were I throw away the dirty water "that's done" he said smiling now or never "so i-" I cut him off with a kiss I broke it and looked at him he was blinking repeatedly "what was that for?" He asked confused "I like you Ruby" I said "oh...but I already have a girlfriend" be Saida "I know but I at least wanted to give you one kiss" I said "it's fine as long as it doesn't repeat again" he said smiling I nodded and smiled that's the reason why I fell for him

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