Brothers always stick together

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Peridot POV

i was walking around the castle thinking were my brother ruby might have went off to i saw red pearl with some roses and ran over her "hey red pearl wait!!" i said she stopped and turned around "hello my prince" she said smiling "call me peridot we know each other since we were kids by the way do you know were ruby is?" i asked "i saw him riding lion this morning and i think he headed to the crystal lands my prin- i mean peridot" she said smiling "oh ok i'll go see you around" i said and walked were the royal horses were and stayed with dorito for a while

(Time skip cause i can)

tree hours have passed now and i could see two horses from the distance "is that ruby? and who is with him?" i hopped on dorito and went were ruby was "hey ruby and hi steven didn't recognize you what are you doing here?" i asked " not much just chilling i'll be heading to the castle you two have a great time together" steven said as he went off to the castle 

Peridot: ruby?

Ruby: yea

Peridot: you know you have been acting weird right?

Ruby: what do you mean?

Peridot: just not acting normal you know closing yourself in a room for a week coming out of it without telling anyboy you know that's pretty weird for me what as been with you lately?....

Ruby: nothing just investigating on something that needs to be fixed you know like a broken toy...

Peridot: or a broken heart i know what happened between you and sapphire or should i say his boyfriend..... is it something really that bad that she has someone she can count on?

Ruby: that's not the case alex is a bastard he is using her he is with her only because of her hineritance and let's not talk about the girl he was with while he was dating sapphire he used to date connie and lie to both only for their money how can you rely on someone like that if it was me i would have killed him which i will do when i capture him red handed for now i will make the most of my time with sapphire be the best..

Peridot:  he also threatened lapis telling her that if she made sapphire hate him he would hurt her and that i will not allow since i can easily sentence him to death or even worst tie him in the middle of the village and live him there...

Ruby: isn't thaTt too much?

Peridot: if i don't remember you just said you would have killed him if it was you right?

Ruby: yea but only kill not that last part it's too painful even for a bastard like him

Peridot: you sound just like dad sometimes 

Ruby: and you like uncle luke i miss them sometime you know? i still don't understand how they died...

Peridot: someone poisoned the family and then ran know the story ruby

Ruby: yea promise me you won't live me...

Peridot : i promise brothers are ment to stick together

(A/N sorry for the short chapter but the computer didn't save the last part i don't know why really sorry

TheRubyFlame out!!!)

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