Having a good time

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Sapphire POV

Peridot seemed more than just happy to see lapis i think he only day dreamed about her ruby decided to go on this horse ride he called us for this is the first time i had this much fun "ok peridot you go with your *chough * lover *Chough" friend to a ride and me and sapphire will just go and check something out" ruby said "more like you and your girlfriend hahahahah" after peridot said that lapis laughed too "let's go sapphire they are acting dumb" i nodded and ruby helped me hop in lion we rode for a while and reached a house "ruby were are we?" "This is were me and my dad used to play when i was 5" "oh...can i ask you a question?" "Sure go on" he said while he tied lion to a stick "how old are you" "I'm 19 what about you?" "I'm 18" "oh great come i want to show you something" he took my hand and led me to a library and opened a secret door it was an aquarium "what do you think about this place?" "It's... Amazing ruby really" "well I'm glad your Highness" "highness?" "Yes oh right i forgot princess take this it makes you princess" he gave me his crown and bowed "now playing pretend ruby?" "Yes may i have the honor to have this dance?" "Yes you may my Knight" he smiled and started spinning me around it was fun after that we went back to lapis house were peridot and lapis were already waiting "hey guys what about we go to the palace?" Ruby suggested "think ruby mum and dad are more likely mad at us for living without telling them" peridot said "yea you are right but we will make something up" ruby answers" look peridot I'm staying home I have to make lunch for aqua and go to work too" lapis said I'll stay with you I he no intention to listen to what ruby will tell mum and dad" "you are no fun peridot what about you sapphire want to come with me?" Ruby asked me with those Two brown eyes of his..."brown....eyes...." "Sapphire are you ok?" Ruby said while waiving his hand "oh....what did you say?" "Would you marry him he said hahahahahha" Peridot said laughing "what? I did not say that I said will you come to the palace with me?" "Sure" I said nervously "well that's great sapphire hop on and peridot do whatever you want later" after ruby said those ruby and I rode to the palace
Time skips
"Hey sapphire we are here let's go in" we walked inside

???: well well well ruby were did you go and were is peridot?

Ruby: look I can explain

???: ruby who is she?

Ruby: mum please don't start

Sapphire: mum?

Ruby: yep she is Rubilette my mother

Rubilette: oh my is she your girl-

Ruby: mum no!


Ruby: D-dad I can e-explain I well went horse riding with peridot and invited some friends over and peridot stayed with them

Sapphire: Dad?

Ruby: y-yea he is Peridox I know I know it sounds like peridot don't comment on that....please

Sapphire: ok?

Peridox: am who are you?

Sapphire: I'm sapphire frost it's an honor too meet you your Highness

Peridox: nice to meet you too but were you daughter of the Knight Romeo Frost?

Sapphire: yes your Highness

Peridox: I'm glad my son is friend with you if he ever does anything to you tell me I promised your dad I would have watched over you ok?

Sapphire: ok

Ruby: let's go sapphire it's getting embarrassing here

Sapphire: s-sure

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