Going to the village

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Ruby POV


"Look son all this will be yours you just need to find a wife that will stay next to you for eternity"
"How do i find a...wife dad is that an object or an animal or a Pearson?" " HaHa oh Ruby soon enough you will discover it for now concentrate in having a good time"

End flashback

"Your highness wake up it's your birthday get dressed and come downstairs your mother the queen asks for your presence"
"How many times do i have to tell you red perl? Call me ruby " i walked out and went to the kitchen and see dad mum peridot sitting down with a huge cake "HAPPY BIRTHDAY RUBY!!" They all say "thank you guys " "since today is your birthday you can go to the village with your cousin amethyst all day long " i smiled at my dad and hugged him "thanks I'll go get Lion" "oh you mean your horse?" "Yes " " sorry but you are going with the new carriage we got for you" "fine dad bye love you" i walked outside the castle and saw amethyst in the carriage i hopped in and told the guard to ride us to the village at the end me and amethyst had to split up she had to invite every single person she met to the ball we are having at the castle this night i walked around greeted by the people with a smile i went to the park and sat next to the lake i hard a voice singing i followed it and saw a girl picking flowers "do you like flowers?" I said she jumped up scared "y-yea...i do you cared me my prince" i picked up the flowers that she let fall "sorry i didn't mean it here your flowers and an invite to the ball I'm having this night" she looked at the invite i gave her "t-thanks m-my Prince would you like to drink something i live near by with my step mother" "oh i would love to lead the way" i followed her to her house "I'm back mother" she said "it was about tim- oh your Highness what brings you here?" "I came to drink something and to invite you two to the royal ball" "two? I have another daughter can she come too?" "Sure all the girls in the kingdom are invited may i ask your names?" "Yes your Highness I'm Esmeralda my daughter is emerald and my step daughter over there is sapphire" "what a nice name i have to go i hope to see you at the ball sapphire" i walked outside and went to my carriage which took me to the palace i wore my red crown my red Royal ball clothing and headed to the ball room

Sapphire POV

After the prince left i went and find a nice dress to wear to the ball i was exited i never went to a ball before i went downstairs and saw emerald with a beautiful dark green dress and my mum came downstairs "sapphire were are you going dressed like that?" "T-to the ball ma'am" "mum she can't go she will embarrass us with that dress" "yes my daughter sapphire you will stay here! Come my daughter and live her here" Esmeralda and emerald went away and i was left home i really thought i would have met the Prince again but it was just a thought what will i do now? I started tearing up when suddenly someone knocked at the door i opened it and it was lapis..

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