"I'll try , my siblings are a pain in the ass ." He sighs walking out .

"You've got more than one ?" I asked shocked .

"There's three of us ." He smiles .

"That's nice . Anyways get home ." I go on my toes and wrap my arms around his neck in a hug .

"I'll see you tomorrow okay ?" He kisses my cheek .

"Yeah ." I smile doing the same to him .

"Try not to miss me ." He chuckles walking to me .

"I'll try ." I say .

I wait until he drives off for me to close the door . I look around the house to notice that mom is gone to work and I'm pretty much alone . I walk to the freezer where I find a box of frozen pizza so I just pop it into the oven . I get the television ready for myself , I make tea , grab a slab of chocolate and I grab my drugs and my water bottle . The pizza finishes in twenty five minutes so I wait a minute or two for it chill down .

I place the whole pizza on to a big tray and I walk to the lounge with it . I sit down scrolling through all the movies I could literally watch so I go with the twilight movies . I have the whole pizza during the first and the second movie . As soon as the second movie is over I walk to the kitchen to make myself a bag of popcorn . I look through the cupboards for popcorn but I can't find any , I can't find the popcorn seeds too . I walk upstairs where I get my purse so that I can walk to the nearest shop since I cannot drive .

I lock the house up in it's dirty state and on the way to the shop I get a call from my mother .

"Hey Sweety , are you enjoying your day ?" She asks on the other line .

"Well if eating a whole box of pizza and watching Twilight is enjoying my day then yes sure ." I chuckle .

"It sounds like you're outside , what are you doing ?" Her voice sounds amused .

"I'm actually walking to the shops , we didn't have popcorn ." I groan .

"You do realize that you can drive right ? Wait , I'm actually happy that you didn't take the car . It's not safe and at least you're getting some type of work out ." I hear the smile in her voice .

"Hey so I was thinking , why not have dinner out today ? We haven't spent time as a family ." I suggest walking into the store .

"That's a good idea , I'll let your dad know ." She says .

"I'll let Sarah and Justin know too ." I tell her .

"Okay look , I need to go but I'll see you later . Bye bye ." She hangs up .

I put my phone into my pocket and I grab a basket from the door . I walk into every isle looking if I'll find anything interesting in the shop . I grab a few pads , two boxes of microwave popcorn . I walk to the counter where I bump into someone .

"Damn I'm sorry ." I look up the tall guy .

"It's alright ." He chuckles .

"I'm Micheal ." He scratches the back of his head .

"Well Micheal , shouldn't you be at school ?" I grab sour sweets for Tyler .

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