Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

The dreaded time has come and Leila stood in the entrance in her best outfit, nervously pacing back and forth, trying to remember if she forgot any of the missions she had to do. She had revised the list in her notebook three times already, but she was still worried that something might have slipped her memory.

Food. Tick!

Cleaning. Tick!

New clothes. Tick!

David. Ti- No, wait! Where the hell is David?

"What's with the rush, Leila? Relax," David commented laughingly as he stepped into view, dressed in black dress pants and a white shirt, looking hotter than ever. Leila had to gather all the possible energy she owned to turn her gaze away from him.

"How can I relax? Your family is coming over for dinner. I've never seen them before. I don't even know their names." A ring on the front door bell interrupted her complaints, and David was thankful for he didn't want to listen to the useless rubbish she was about to say.

Leila let out a shriek and jumped on her spot. Abby appeared from the far edge of the room and she glared at Leila before walking to open the door. David quickly went to stand by Leila's side, and wrapped his arm around her waist, making them look a real couple. That was the plan. They would pretend to be happily together when they're being closely watched. And when they're alone, everything would go back to place. Although it was fake, but Leila still was able to enjoy it, and she leant her head on his shoulder.

"Don't fancy yourself too much, dear. It's not going to last for long," David leant in to whisper in her ear, making a shiver run down her spine.

Before Leila had the chance to reply, the door was swung open and behind it three figures appeared. Mr. Gareth Senior was a relatively short man compared to his son, with jet black hair and grey eyes. He was holding his wife's hand in the crook of his elbow, and he moved so elegantly to enter the house, that Leila started to feel out of place. Besides the fact they were all one family and she was like in intruder, they were filthy rich and probably more royal than she had ever seen. They would probably cringe if they saw the way she eats.

"Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Gareth," Abby welcomed the family members with a fake sweet tone, and stepped aside to let them in.

David's mother was like an older copy of her son, with the same silky smooth brown hair and the sparkling blue eyes. She was clearly taller than her husband, which told Leila where David got his incredibly crazy length.

"Good morning to you too, Abby," David's father replied with a funny rough tone as Abby helped him take off his jacket. She took it in one arm and then picked up his wife's raincoat and disappeared from the room.

"Is that lovely Leila? How are you doing, Darling?" David's mother said and walked in to give Leila a small hug, which she returned.

"It's been a pleasure to meet you here, Leila. I'm Julia, by the way," She said as she pulled away from the hug. Leila realized that David's family was converts, which gives a hint of why they wanted their son to marry her.

"The pleasure is all mine, Mrs. Gareth," Leila politely replied and flashed a smile. From the corner of her eyes she could see David's father glancing at her as he spoke to his son.

"No, Dear. No need to use formalities. After all, there's a big chance of mistaking you by me, now," Julia teased and both of them laughed.

"Leila!" Leila heard a squeal and instantly she felt a pair of arms wrapping around her and she was engulfed in a tight hug.

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