Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Leila heaved a loud sigh before her flats stepped over the threshold. Marissa was there. She stood on the other end of the door; a wide grin plastered to her face. Her long hair was tied up in an effortless bun. She didn't even comb through it, yet it looked like she had spent millions of dollars on it. Some loose curls fell down from the security of the band, framing her milky face. Her hazel eyes sparkled in the dim lights of the corridor. She was no longer in her strict business suit anymore. Instead, she had put on a comfy floral pair of pajamas, and matched them with fluffy winter slippers. Everything about her resembled a cat, a wild one, just ready to hunt her down at any moment.

"Hey! You made it," She cheered, although careful to keep her voice at a safe volume. She stepped aside, but her hand still curled around the edge of the mahogany wooden door. "Come on in."

Leila was reluctant at first, but thinking back, she had no other option on her list. It was either a stranger's or the streets. Her choice was clear.

"Thank you. I don't know what I could have done without you," She replied. Her voice strained in thanks and she took a long stride inside of Marissa's condo. The stroller of her trunk dragged the luggage behind her. She rested it on the floor and watched Marissa step in to lock the front door using a key.

Leila glanced around. The breath immediately caught in her throat. It was magnificent; something that she'd only seen in movies. It looked like a scene out of a Box Office #1 movie. A round, feather mat clung to her feet. They wore a cozy, abstract theme that matched the one on the walls. The hardwood floor was polished, glistening underneath the lines. Leila's shoes clicked whenever she stepped over the tiles. The walls were wrapped in a modern paneling set; a mixture of Victorian and abstract. It was something never to be missed by an eye.

Right in front of her, Leila could easily spot her reflection on a large, oval mirror, with a gold-painted outline. An ancient table held a single shelf that held a couple of Marissa's family and friends. A door could be seen to the right. Leila concluded that it was probably the closet, as a few pins were fixed to the backside of the door. A single chair sat next to the table, next to a small stand-light.

"This way," Marissa instructed. Her forefinger pointed to an archway at the far end of the hall. She extended her hand, in an offer to help Leila with her luggage.

"Thank you, I'm good," Leila replied. Marissa nodded with a small smile. Then, she started walking. Her slippers clicked against the hardwood as she made her way to the sitting room. Leila followed; her eyes inspecting her surroundings. She couldn't help but appreciate every single detail about the apartment. It must have been designed by a professional, which had totally cost a lot of money. Working in business had its perks, after all.

"I know it' a bit messy. I wasn't expecting visitors for the night," Marissa said once she stepped into the room. Leila watched. There was an L-figure, creamy couch, placed over a feathery mat. A brown, wooden coffee table sat in the centre, covered in fashion magazines, stacks of paper and tissues. A large, LCD screen was pinned to the opposite wall. The television was turned on to the MTV, and Leila was able to spot the controller above the receiver. Splashes of colors on canvases were hung on each side of the living area, contrasting with the plain beige shade of the walls.

On the other side of the room, a wooden, rectangular dining table could be seen, lined by five or so matching chairs. A vase of yellow tulips sat in the middle, along with an unfinished plate of peas and carrots. The kitchen was overlooking the living area through a gap in the wall, whilst a wide, floor-to-ceiling, shaded window took up the last corner. A pile of clothes was sprawled on the floor at one end. Some empty bags of ruffles could be seen on the buffet, which resulted in a heavy, quite overwhelming smell.

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