Expansion 2: Chapter 3

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          "These ones, are mine." -The Queen (Grimoire: The House of Wolves)

          "I'll gladly help you. But you need to tell me what happened so I can better understand the situation. What happened to this place?" I asked. She looked down and her hands tightened into fists. "Those pesky Fallen...they all rebelled against me. And because of this, my people...my Awoken Guards...all have fallen." She said. She walked back to her throne and sat down. "How did this happen...?" I asked. She looked up at me. "The House of Wolves now has a new self proclaimed Kell. Skolas, The Rabid. He caused a rebellion of the Fallen and has somehow broken my guards."
          "Skolas...didn't you pawn him off to the Nine?"
          "One of my scouts say that he was released and given a ship to leave and rebuild his army. In which he did." She scoffed at the thought of it all. She had lost control over her once tamed Fallen. Now they run wild and they even betrayed her. "What will you do about this? What can Earth do?"
          "Earth can do nothing."
          "Then what can I do? Me and my fireteam?"
          "That...that is a different story. My trust is not with the civilization of Earth. Not yet. But with you...I know you can help without hesitation and not just because you owe me anything. Because in my eyes, you don't."
          "Please Parrish. I need to put the Fallen down. They went against me, destroyed my Awoken guards, and betrayed me...they will pay." She said. Her eyes flared with anger. I took her hands. "Mara. Take a breath. I know you're angry. And I know what this could possibly mean to you. Your people. But be rational with your decisions. You are still a queen. Be merciful, yet fierce. If you can balance the two, you'll get through any situation."
          Her facial expression changed slightly and let up a little bit. She then gave a sigh and agreed. "The last know location of Skolas was near the orbit of Venus. Petra, my field agent and close friend, can inform you of the rest of the details. I have a score to settle." She said. I gave a half smile. Seeing her a little more stable and less angry made me a bit happy. She sat down in her throne chair. "Hunt down Skolas. By any means." She said. I gave her a thumbs up and I began to make my way towards the door until we came across Uldren with a squadron behind him. I took a step back as they all came in and kneeled. "My Queen. My band of Crows and I are ready to advance at your command." Uldren said. The Queen looked at him and then back at me. "Can you handle it Parrish?" She asked. I gave her a nod and she stood. "There will be no need for your Crows Uldren. I'm putting my faith in the Guardians." She said. His face was shocked but before he could say anything the Queen dismissed him. He reluctantly walked out and I smiled. "I'll get it done Mara." I said. She smiled and I made my leave. Royal was outside. "So? What's the plan? What's going on?" He asked. We're heading to find a missing Kell. An escaped Kell. Skolas." I said. Suddenly someone came over.
          "Hunting for Skolas? I may be able to help with that." The woman said. The Awoken female that stood before us was none other than Petra. Mara's second in command and a field scout as well. One of her best. "Yeah. You know where he is?" I asked. She held out a tablet that displaced a Fallen ship hovering over Venus in the Ishtar Sink. "If you two are the ones hunting him down, then I'll be working with the both of you on the field along with my buddy Variks. He's a Fallen member from House Judgement." She said. I looked over at him to see him at his own little tent nearby the entrance to Mara's chambers. I gave him a wave and he looked over and waved as well. "Well. Let's get started." I said. Royal looked a bit shocked at my sudden gesture to get started. "Woah woah woah. I'm nowhere near prepared for this." He said. I put on my helmet and went to my ship. "Then get ready and meet me on Venus. I'm going."
          "Slow down will ya?"
          "How about you keep up. Aren't hunters supposed to be fast?"
          "Oh ha ha. I'll be there soon. I need to get my ship and stuff first so I need a ride home. I'll find my way."
          I smiled and soon took off to Venus. Alex looked over at me. "Are you sure we're ready for this? We're going up against a powerful Kell." He warned. I laughed slightly. "We took down Crota. I don't think this will be a problem." I said. Once we landed on the surface near the Ishtar Sink, I got out and contacted Petra. "Alright. I'm on Venus. Where to now?" I asked. "Continue onward until you reach a heavy signal of Fallen ether. That will be your signal as to where he is. At the moment, we believe his plan is to reunite all of the Fallen houses under one banner. His banner." She said. I began walking forward throughout the various different pathways. "If he manages to do that, then it'll be another Twilight Gap with an even stronger army. But then again, we have stronger Guardians." I said. We made our way forward until we reached a door. Oddly enough, it was silent. Too silent. "That's strange. Normally there would be Fallen activity all around you but...I'm not picking up anything. If Skolas ended up bringing the House Of Winter under his banner...." Petra started but I cut her off to call Royal.
          "Where are you?" I asked. He yawned. "I'm still on earth. Why?"
          "Dude! I needed you here on Venus ten minutes ago. Why aren't you on the way?"
          "Calm down. I had to find a ride home since you kinda left me. Uldren took me home and then I went to shower and grab a bite to eat. I'll be there soon."
          I groaned and hung up and slowly opened the door that stood between me and Skolas. I had a look inside to see the Kell with a wolf pelt cloak and a huge gun in his hand. The House Of Winter was already kneeling to him. "Petra. We're too late. He has the Wolves." I said. "What? If you have Skolas in your grasp, do what you have to. Put him down Guardian!" She said. Alex disappeared and I jumped and launched a Novabomb right into his back. He fell over as all of the Fallen around him scattered. Since I don't have Royal here, I'll have to do this work alone. Skolas teleported further up the hill and closer to his ship. I was taking fire from the Fallen that were all around me. I began to open fire with everything I had. Even shooting a few rockets until the dust had settled. I chased after him but I was too late. He was already in his ship and took off. Leaving a message behind in their native language. "Variks, what did he say?" Petra asked. "Yes yes. In your tongue, he said 'The wolves are strong. Cower before the Kell Of Kells'" He said. I looked at Alex puzzled. "Kell Of Kells? Did he promote himself?" I asked. "A fallen legend. He sees himself as a prophet. Or maybe he's gone quite...mad." Variks said.
          "Well regardless he's gone. His ship already broke orbit a minute ago. I'll try and get Royal to intercept." I said. I looked down to see a bunch of Fallen inside their den. "What will you do Guardian?" Petra asked. I reloaded my weapons. "I got some hunting to do." I said. I jumped down and began to open fire while Alex was contacting Royal. "Where are you??" I asked. "I'm leaving now." He responded.
          "WHAT?! You're just now leaving?!"
          "Yeah. Why?"
          "Dude, Skolas escaped. If you were close enough I would have told you to intercept him since he was still in orbit."
          "Oh. Ummm..."
          "You know what, just meet me on Venus. Now."
          I looked over my hiding spot to see Fallen closing in. I tried to channel some more void energy to cast another Novabomb but it fizzled in my hand. I was beyond frustrated. I balled my hands up but soon I activated my Sunsinger by accident. "I guess this works." I said. I began to throw balls of fire over and over again until the Fallen were all gone. Once the area was clear I sat down. Exhausted. "That's odd...for a moment I detected Vex energy signature near your location. It doesn't seem like it's around anymore. Impressive work there Guardian. Especially since you were by yourself." Petra said. I sighed and just shook my head. "I'm coming back to the Reef." I said. I stood up and made my way back. By the time I got to my ship, Royal arrived. Landing near me and stepping out. "Alright where are they?" He asked. I wanted to hit him so badly but I resisted. "Dead. And Skolas escaped but we have even bigger problems. House of Winter bows to Skolas. We need to try and find him before things get worse. We can't let him unite all of the Fallen houses." I said getting into my ship. "Wait, Where are we going Now?" Royal asked. I didn't bother to say anything. I took off for the Reef and it wasn't long before Royal followed me.
          "Alex, wake me up when we get to the Reef. I'm going to meditate." I said putting the ship on auto pilot. I leaned back and closed my eyes. Falling into a sleep like state as I could feel the travelers energy resonating with my own. I took the time to calm myself and stabilize my energy. I had a big battle ahead of me. I needed to get my mind right. All the frustration was messing up my flow. It wouldn't be long before we arrived in the Reef. Once we arrived, I stepped out and reported back to Petra about everything that's happened. Royal was filled in on the info for our next mission. "What's next on the list?" I asked. "Well that's tricky. We ended up having Crows sent out to try and intercept the ship but they ended up in a fight. Some of the pieces of his ship fell on Venus. We can possibly intercept them and use whatever data came from it as different pieces of information as to where they're going." Petra said. Royal stepped forward. "So we have to go on a scavenger hunt for different pieces that could potentially be gone by now?" He asked.
          "Nine times out of ten, the Fallen on Venus have found the most valuable parts and are holding them for Skolas. If one of those pieces has to be a log of information then we can use that to our advantage. And plot out his movements. Try to become one step ahead of the enemy." Petra said. Royal sighed. I could tell he was bored of that idea so I decided to come up with a different plan. "We should split up. I'll go searching for those parts. Royal, there's no doubt that the trail that the Crows are following leads to Skolas. See if you can't assist them." I said. "Works for me. I'll head out." He said. I sighed and soon he was gone. "He's an interesting one." Petra said. "Yeah. He's a handful but he's good. Where's Mara?" I asked. She shook her head. I looked at the door to her chambers and saw it was guarded. No one could get in. "I see. Well in that case, I'll get moving." I said. I hopped back in my ship and took off towards Venus. The Ishtar Sink was still littered with Fallen. Each of them digging through piles of rubble. It wasn't hard to do a small sweep and clear to scare off the Fallen so me and Alex can search. "Alright. Let's see if we can find something important." I said.
          After searching around for about 15 Minutes, Alex found some spare parts that contained data. "Parrish. I found a Shiplink. It's almost like a piece of a roadmap. Try and find more like these." He said. I looked at what he found and began to find more like it around the area. Once we got enough, Alex began to decipher them all. "They're heading towards Earth. It seems like Skolas is going for a bigger prize." Alex said. "Let's load up. We're gonna need some help with this." I said.

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