Expansion 1: Chapter 3

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  "The Hive know of Rasputin, they've fought him on many fronts. But this attack seemed targeted..." (Grimoire: Siege of the Warmind)

Gold and I decided to take a detour and fly to the Forgotten Shores and find the bunker of Rasputin. Once we landed, we made our way through the rusted maze of ships and Fallen enemies. Alex was guiding us and soon we ran into Royal. He was stealing a few things off of a Fallen Captain to see if it would be of any use. "Well then. Look who's scavenging." I said as I approached him. He looked up at me and smiled. "Hey dude. Long time, no see. What's up?" He asked me. His hair had gotten a little longer from our last meetup for the Vault of Glass. Since we were on earth we didn't really need our helmets. "Oh. Ya know. Just preventing a Hive invasion." I said.
"A Hive invasion?"
"Yeah. There's a new lady at the Tower who speaks of a Hive God who is ready to claim earth. We're here to stop one of his spawn from awakening him. But of course I'm a bit worried." I said. He laughed. "That's pretty funny dude. A Hive invasion?"
"So you don't believe me."
"Not really. It's more likely for the Kell of the House of Devils to rise to power and take the planet than a Hive invasion."
I looked at Gold and then immediately began to laugh. Royal looked at us confused. "What?"
"Dude, I killed him on my first day. So technically, I'm the Kell of the House of Devils. Sooo....you're gonna come and help us." I said. He groaned. "Fiiiiinnnneee. What do we have to do?"
"We're going underground to find Rasputin and protect him. We don't have much time before Omnigul has a chance to strike first. As far as we know we have the element of surprise." I said. We began to walk up a small hill and into a destroyed ship that lead to an unknown metal door. I began to hear music. "Does anyone else hear...music?" I asked. Soon the diamon shaped doors began to open. A cool breeze and a small mist coming through. "That music...Rasputin is in trouble. Get down there Guardian." Eris said. She always kept communication through Alex and soon we walked into the technological powerhouse that was the base of Rasputin himself. We continued on our way and soon got to an opening. A long pathway branching off to a control room. I looked around and soon saw Hive Knights and Thrall destroying anything they could get their hands on. "Oh no. So much for the element of surprise." I said. Royal immediately activated his Golden Gun and fired off three shots. Killing the Knights that were safeguarding the entrances and exits. Immediately the Thrall began to rush us in waves. I pulled out my gun and opened fire on anything that moved. The fight didn't last very long and soon we entered the control room. A dome like area with a machine in its center.
"I got a bad feeling about this guys." Gold said. I eventually found the controls in the far back of the room and Alex began to examine them. "I'll make sure that they haven't damaged or corrupted Rasputin's systems. His hardware and software are very extensive and incredible. This entire network that were in is all Rasputin." Alex said. Soon the monitors began to freak out and soon they turned red. The systems shut down and soon we heard a small rift open behind us. I grabbed Alex and jumped away from the consoles. "Weapons ready!" Royal shouted. We all aimed at the rift and soon we heard that same earpiercing scream from the refinery. I knew exactly what it was. Who it was. "Omnigul....silence her screams!!" Eris said. We all opened fire upon the Wizard as she couldn't do much while we were standing right in her face. Soon she teleported away and more rifts began to open. A Wizard came out of each rift along with two Knights and a small group of Thrall. I saw Omnigul watching behind the glass. This wasn't gonna be easy. We all scattered and fought off the waves of Hive. Once they were all defeated a bigger rift began to form. "Christ. Not good. I feel like it's gonna be an Ogre." I said. We all took a step back and an Ogre appeared before us. Roaring loudly and shaking the environment around us. "We have to kill it before it destroys the entire room." Gold said. We all ran to cover as the Ogre fired a continuous beam of void energy at us. It was very sluggish so I used it to my advantage. "I'll grab its attention. You all focus and find a weakness." I said. Everyone agreed and I asked Alex for a shotgun. He made it appear and took my sniper away. I ran behind the one eyed beast.
"Hey!! I'm down here!!" I shouted. The Ogre turned around and looked at me. Before it got a chance to react to my presence, I pumped a shell into his eye. The Ogre stumbled and let out a painful cry. I began to run around the room as it followed me. I watched as Royal climbed to a high place and snipe the Ogre. One shot was all it took. The bullet went straight through the Ogre's eye. It fell over and collapsed in the center of the room. Omnigul soon vanished and the power was restored. "Nice shot Royal." I said. He climbed down and walked over towards me. "Well. They don't call me a marksman for nothing." He said. Gold soon joined us. "Who calls you that?" Gold asked. I laughed as Royal hit Gold in the shoulder. Soon Eris began to speak. "Guardians...you have stopped a disaster that could have meant the end of the planet. Omnigul has gone off world...I have another task for you. You have to explore the Cosmodrome and find the various Hive Leaders who are responsible for this. If they fall, then this city will be safe." She said.
"What does this have to do with Crota?" I asked. I heard her laugh. It creeped me out. "I have marked the targets and sent them to your ghost. And this has everything to do with Crota. If these people fall, then his power will weaken. That, and I need time to find where the Wakers of Crota are. They will be resurrecting him very soon..." she said. I sighed. "Fine. Come on guys. Let's get a move on." I said. We all gathered ourselves and began our trip back to the Tower.

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