Chapter Four

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    "The Archons are the links between the Fallen and their Servitors. We break those links. We break the Fallen." (Grimoire: Riksis, Devil Archon)

    The following morning me and Alex loaded up on everything we needed for our mission. Ammunition, gear, anything that can be of use to us on our mission. I walk out of my apartment and back to the Tower to get into my ship and to my surprise, it looks better than before. And I was confused as to why. "Ummm....Alex did you do something to the ship while I was asleep?" I asked. "No. I didn't. It was probably Holiday." He said to me. "Who's Holiday?"
"That would be me Guardian." A voice said. I turn around to see a woman. Blonde hair and a bright smile. "Names Amanda. Nice to meet ya." She said. She had a slight country accent but it kinda suited her. "Nice to meet you Ms. Holiday. Parrish." I said shaking her hand. "I took the liberty to fix up your ship a little bit. I always do something good for guardians every now and again. And also, your ghost has a little something special for you later on in your travels." She said to me. I looked over at Alex. "Don't look at me. I can't tell you yet." He said to me. I sighed and made my way over to the ship. "You have a vital part missing from your ship there." Holiday said following behind. "I know. I'm gonna go get it." I said. She looked confused as if there wasn't an easy way to obtain that part.
"You're gonna go get that part?" She asked. I turned back and looked at her. "Yeah. I'm gonna go get it." I said. I kept walking back to the ship and the hatch opened to let me in. "How are you gonna get the part?" She said. "By force." I replied. Holiday went silent and shook her head. "You guardians and your way of getting stuff done." She said. I smiled a bit and got into the ship. Alex took the controls since he was scared of me flying around and we made way for the Cosmodrome. I took off my glasses and put on my helmet. I watched as everything became clear again and Alex was driving. "There are two options or two different places as to where we can get that warp drive. There's a crashed ship nearby the landing beacon and then there's a second location back where we found this ship." Alex said as our map updated and showed the location. "Alright then. So basically we have a safe chance or a not so safe chance." I said. "Well it's fifty fifty. If we find the part near the landing spot then we can get out quickly. It could also be where the ship was. There's a chance that the Archon is still there..." He said. I smiled and loaded my weapons. "Let's get the job done." I said. We made it back to the Cosmodrome in a matter of minutes. Once there our search began. The ship pulled around and my ghost teleported is on the ground and the ship took off. "I guess it'll be waiting for us when we're ready." I said as I looked around the ruines of what was left of the area. My guns at the ready.
"The first location is nearby. Let's head there." Alex said. He dissapeared into my armor and we made our way to the first spot on our map. Of course it was surrounded by Dregs. "Great. So much for not getting our hands dirty." I said. I aimed my gun and held down the trigger. Killing two out of the four that were there. The rest were alarmed of our presence and began to open fire. I took cover for a moment. "Ok. I have a plan. I'm gonna charge them and see if I can get them to tell us where the part is." I said. My ghost popped out. "Really? You can't be serious. These things don't speak English. What makes you think they'll surrender." He said with a sarcastic tone. "Well I'm sorry. I don't wanna waste my ammo." I said. He sighed and dissapeared. I peeked out from cover and saw the other two Fallen checking on their comrades who were dead. "Well. Now is a better time than any." Alex said through my helmet. I got a running start and I leaped but instead of coming back to the ground I floated over the enemies and behind the destroyed ship where our part was supposed to be. "Woah!!!" I shouted. I lost what little control I had and fell to the ground. "Well...that hurt." I said. I picked up my gun and looked around. The Fallen had vanished. "They're gone...not a good sign." I said. I stepped out of cover and my ghost popped out and scanned the ship behind us. "Hmm...I'm picking up a recording of a distress beacon and...coordinates. Let's follow them. It seems like the Fallen might have stripped whatever was in this ship away that could be of use." Alex said. I nodded and we went to this small building.
"Is this the place?" I asked. "No. We need to go down those stairs first." Alex said. I shrugged and he shined a light as we walked. I could already hear the clicking of the Fallen Dregs and the Vandals communicating. I looked inside the room. About five of them in total. "Parrish. Your hand." Alex said. I looked at it and there was a glowing purple orb in it. "Can I throw it?" I asked. "I dunno. You tell me." Alex retorted. I sighed and ran inside the room. Throwing the orb that was in my hand. It went forward a few feet and once it made contact it exploded with void energy. Catching the Fallen off guard. "It's like a grenade! Awesome!" I said as I continued the fight inside. Once the room was clear we made our way to a computer console. "Is this what those coordinates were pointing to? A computer?" I asked. Alex scanned the computers motherboard and mainframe. "This is a map of the entire Cosmodrome. This will be very useful." Alex said. I looked at it on the computer and then a steady blinking red light popped up on the map. "Umm....if I were a betting boy I'd say that the blinking light is where our missing part is huh." I said. "I believe so. Back where the Archon is."
"I see. Are you ready Alex?"
"Ready when you are guardian."
With that we went back to where the ship was when we first found it. I worked on my jumping abilities and threw my grenade a few times and eventually found out that I had a time limit before I could throw it again. A tiny vortex appearing with each throw. "Void powers are so cool. What do they call this again?" I asked. "I believe the proper term is Voidwalker." Alex said as we walked back into the room where the ship used to be. I could feel the presence of the Archon still in the walls. "Ummm....Alex where is it?" I asked. I wasn't sure where it was. It was scary to feel it's movement surrounding us. Alex scanned the environment around us. "On your left!" He said. I pulled out my sniper and shot to my immediate left and the bullet went straight through the wall hitting it. It cried out and the walls shook slightly. It was angry. "Uh oh...this won't be good." I said to myself. I was getting ready for a fight. Soon the Archon crawled out of the hole in the wall. "Looks like you're still as ugly as the first time we met." I said. It let out a roar as if it understood me and I loaded my weapons. "Let's get this over with." Alex said. I couldn't agree more and opened fire and ran for something to hide behind. It didn't seem to take much damage but in the end it was pissed off none the less. He fired his weapon which fired rounds of hot shrapnel that slowly ate away at the stone barrier that I was hiding behind. I occasionally poked out of cover to open fire on the Archon. Eventually pushing it back enough for me to run for a better hiding spot. Basically the way I came back in and I hid behind the door. I aimed my sniper and opened fire on his head. He staggered a little bit and with enough shots he dropped his weapon and fell to a kneel. He was weak but suddenly I felt a giant build up of energy in my body.
"W-what's going on? Why am I starting to glow purple?" I asked hoping that Alex had an answer. He didn't respond but I noticed that the Archon was starting to recover. I assumed it was a grenade waiting to be thrown so I ran in and reeled my arm back to throw but instead I saw a giant ball of void energy within my hands. "Throw it Parrish!" Alex said. I looked at the Archon as it was reaching for its gun. I aimed my shot and threw the giant void ball of energy and once it made impact with its target the ball exploded into a giant void. Killing the Archon and making it dissapear in a void of negative energy. Once it went away the room was silent. " this the power of a Voidwalker?" I said to myself. I brushed the though aside and walked over to the gun that the Archon was wielding. Alex popped out. "You...just killed an have no idea what kind of impact that is towards the Fallen." He said. I looked around and eventually saw the missing part for the ship. "I'm guessing that's the part we need huh." I said. Alex floated over to it and scanned it. Turning it into data that he could store and carry. "Let's get back to the ship and back to the tower. Holiday can install this for us while we speak with the Vanguard and update them on what happened here." Alex said. I took one last look and moved on with life and back to the landing beacon and my ship came around. Once inside I looked at my hands and felt energy surging through me. Alex came out and looked at me. "You ok?" He asked. A concerned tone in his voice.
"Yeah...I just....this is all still new to me. But I feel like I'm getting stronger." I said.

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