I, of course, got the Pork Loin to eat while Ivy got the chicken breast. Once she was finished ordering I immediately went, "Ivy, you need to get out of your comfort zone and try something new."

She eyed me from across the table, "You are such an ass!"

I laughed throwing my hands up in defense, "Stick to your basic chicken." We both laughed at the memory of the dinner with our parents from last week.

We sat in silence for a minute before Beau slapped my shoulder beside me, "Dude that pass you threw me last night almost pulled my arm out of the socket as I caught it. You put a lot of force in that throw."

I chuckled, "Well I wanted to be sure that you could catch it."

"You're a meanie." He turned to Ivy, "Ivy tell your boyfriend to stop being mean to me!"

The sides of Ivy's eyes crinkled as she smiled, "Sorry I am off duty at the moment."

Beau gasped, "You two are evil."

Noah butted in, "Whatever, at least we slaughtered Victor High."

"True!" I pounded his fist. "I mean we would always play an easy win for homecoming so..." I trailed off.

Noah rolled his eyes, "Yeah, that school doesn't have a chance against anyone in the district."

I shook my head, "In a few years maybe they will find a good coach and better players." The thing about Noah is that all he ever wants to do is win. He is a sore loser as they say. If he doesn't get what he wants he goes ballistic until he gets whatever he wants. For this one time in math, he got a low score and threw a tantrum until our teacher gave him a passing grade.

Noah snorted, "As if."

"I agree with Colton-." Ivy butted in but was cut off by a howl of laughter from Noah.

"Of course, you agree with him! You two would never disagree with each other."

Ivy narrowed her eyes at him. "I am just saying if that they would recruit they could have half as better of a team as they do now. Maybe do more workouts and training for the team as well." I smiled at her as Noah ignored her and ate some more of his food.

We arrived at the dance around eight at night and it was already in full swing. Teenagers grinding up on their dates as the teachers scowled at them for their vulgar dancing. The kids waiting for the teachers to look away so they could spike the punch with whatever alcohol they had snuck in. Then there are the other regular kids who are living in the moment and having the best time of their lives.

Oh, and there was also me. Sitting alone at a table as I ate a cupcake next to my best friends and watched my girlfriend dance with her friends. "I think this may have to be the sexiest thing I've ever watched," Beau muttered as we watched our dates dance to 'Kiss Me Thru the Phone'.

I started to sing along to the lyrics when I saw Ivy look at me, "Six, seven, eight, triple nine, eight, two, one, two."

She walked over towards me, stood in front of me, and placed her forehead on mine as she swayed her hips. I placed my hands on her hips letting them follow the sway of her hips.

"Baby I been thinking lately so much about you

Everything about you, I like it, I love it
Kissing you in public, thinking nothing of it"

Damn, those lyrics are so relatable...

When the song ended she sat in my lap as the guys just stared at me with wide eyes. "That was like watching a live porno," Noah muttered.

Ivy and I laughed as I shook my head with a smile on my face. "Sorry, I get carried away when I'm with her."

Beau snorted, "I can tell."

When a slow song came on Ivy gasped and pulled me up out of the chair and dragged me to the dance floor. I protested but she gave me a stern look that shut me up.

"'Cause' we were just kids when we fell in love

Not knowing what it was
I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own

And in your eyes you're holding mine"

She rested her head on my chest as my head rested on top of hers. My arms were wrapped around her as if she were to let go, she would float away. When the song ended, she pulled back and looked into my eyes as I did the same. We stood there as if there was not anyone else in that damn crowd. As if no one was staring at us as we had a moment. "I love you," I truthfully told her. I hadn't told her those words since I confessed my feelings for her. Oh lord, Colton...

She smiled and kissed my lips gently before responding, "I love you too."

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