💌 13.06 | BANGTAN !!

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okay so let me just start off from here,, bts (and army) are now 5 years old and oh my god i'm just so so so happy and so so so goddamn proud of them.

honestly, bang sihyuk took a huge risk in debuting bts ?? they cried after they debuted bc they were so scared that army might leave them,, but here they are now, 5 years later, seven boys they never expected they'd turn into. 

looking on how far they'd come makes me so nostalgic and gshsjdkh i can't i'm so happy and so emotional i'm tearing up

i'm so so so happy i actually searched up bts at the end of 2016 ??? if i hadn't watched blood sweat and tears (honestly i biased tae from the very beginning itself, i learnt him as "the blond guy kim taehyung" i swear sdhsjhd) i don't know where i'd be in life right now

i've talked to a friend about how if i hadn't been army, i'd never have gotten to meet some of you ?? haru (dhjsgdh you helped a lot with the fandom in the beginning thank you so much), trina, abby, ji, chae, kassie, xuan, honestly i could go on ?? i can't imagine my life without bts - thanks to them, i took a new turn in life, i met so many amazing people,,, okay brb im cryindgsh

bts deserve all the love in the entire world and i'm just so happy and so soft rn :((( i hope bts have a great day nevertheless, have some time together and also have a blast at the prom party hehe <33 i love them so much hdskhds bye i just wanted to say this

welp that was awkward but yes i love bangtan with all my heart and

#5thflowerpathwithbts <3 

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