Chapter 2

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Diana POV

I rush out of that dreaded classroom. Out of all the topics I could have gotten, they had to be those ones. The teacher must hate me, yeah, that has to be it. Tears slowly started rolling down my cheeks as I ran outside. I let my feet wander till I hit a tree. At that point, I was full on crying and I slid down the tree. Memories started to flash in front of my eyes and I shake my head furiously back and forth, in hopes that they'll go away.

A warm hand grabs my hand and starts to make circles on my palm. I stop crying and the memories disappear. I open my eyes and see Rylan's turquoise eyes looking at me with concern.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"Trying to calm you down," He answers, "What happened?"

I shake my head at him and stand up. The bell rings and I hurry to grab my stuff before going to my next class, which is Advanced Chem. I walk in and see a girl with the most beautiful purple hair that became like a sunset near the end. I sit down next to her. She turns to me and her violet eyes shimmer with excitement.

"What's your name?" She asks, "I'm Ruby by the way."

"I'm Diana, the new kid," I answer.

"I love your hair," Ruby compliments.

"I love yours," I tell her.

Class begins and Rylan walks in, 5 minutes late. He sits down beside a boy with dirty blond hair, a streak of it dyed red. 

"Today, we have a new student. Ms. Diamond, please stand and tell us a little bit about yourself," Ms. Clark I think her name was, tells me.

She's a lot nicer than the last teacher. 

"Hi, I'm Diana and I'm 18," I say and sit down.

The teacher nods and begins talking about different elements and goes over some basic things. We do a lab and fill out a sheet before she gives us five minutes to talk and pack up our things.

"Diana, can I ask you a question?" Ruby asks.

"You just did." I point out.

We laugh and she says, "Do you want to sit with me and my friends at lunch?"

I nod and we part ways to our lockers. I put my other books in my locker and head to the gym with my gym uniform. I get changed in the locker room into a pair of leggings and a long sleeve. I know, not the most suitable for gym but it's the best I can do without anyone finding out.

"Alright everyone, start off with running 5 laps around the track then practice passing with a partner," The coach, Mr. Loue, announces to the class. 

We start running and I slowly gain speed. I get lost in thought, thinking about Rylan.

"Hey Diamond, you finished 6 laps a while ago," The coach yells.

I stop and I'm not even out-of-breath. I look around and see a girl with this crazy ombre effect of light pink, to light purple, to a light blue, then a greenish turquoise color. I walk up to her and tap her shoulder. She turns and I'm met with beautiful hulk-green eyes.

"Hi, I'm Diana," I say.

"I'm Angelina," She says.

"Do you want to be partners?" I ask with a smile.


We pass the ball around until the end of gym. I learn a few things about her and I tell her a few things about me, just the basic stuff like my favorite color. The coach announces it's the end of class. We say bye before taking shower and get changed. I find my way to the cafeteria. I pay for a water bottle before looking around for Ruby.

"Hey, Diana!" 

I turn to my left and see Ruby sitting with four others near a window in the back. I walk over to her and sit down next to her.

"Guys, this is Diana. Diana this is Maddox, who is in our Chemistry class, Ranger, Angelina, and-"

"Rylan," He interrupts, "She's my partner for the psych project."

Ruby makes Rylan explain what the project is about while I look around at them. Maddox has dirty blond hair, a streak of red, lightly tanned skin, and a lean build. Ranger, on the other hand, has this black hair with a streak of bright green, dark skin and a bit more of a muscular build.

"Is she the girl that was jumping on desks earlier?" Ranger asks Rylan.

He nods and they gasp, I smirk at their expressions.

"Why did you do that?" Maddox asks.

"Because I wanted to. Does there have to be a reason?" I answer.

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