"I guess I'll go find my seat." Sungah's mother gave her another hug. "Donghae's in the hall waiting for you. Are you ready?"

"I have no idea." Sungah put a hand on her stomach, trying to calm the raging butterflies. "Do I really look okay?"

"Of course you do sweetheart. I am so happy for you, and I know your dad would be, too. You'll be fine, just relax." Theresa patted Sungah's shoulder. She went to leave but then turned back around, grabbing the bouquet, and handing it to Sungah. "Don't want you forgetting that."

"Wasn't planning on it." Sungah smiled nervously, holding it tightly in her hands.

"Well, it's almost time. Good luck." Her mother replied, finally leaving the room, letting Sungah have a moment to herself.

Ryeowook's nerves were on edge. Negative thoughts tried to invaded his positive ones. He was getting impatient. He looked at the clock every few seconds then the door Sungah was supposed to be coming out of.

"Where have you been? It's almost time to start." Kyuhyun lectured SoonYee and Victoria. They had left the building minutes ago for whatever reason. "You guys have to stand on Ryeowook's right side while I'm on the left. Go quickly, quickly!"

"Alright, Mr. Pushy." SoonYee grumbled, making her way to her spot.

"Shouldn't she be out by now? When is she coming? She's okay, right?" Ryeowook knew he was asking too many questions, but he couldn't help it.

"Calm down, it's not even time yet. Be patient." SoonYee answered.

"Donghae just texted me. Sungah is ready." Kyuhyun pocketed his phone and took his place beside Ryeowook.

"It's time?" Ryeowook felt his palms sweating more. He quickly tried wiping his hands on his pants, not wanting to touch Sungah with sweaty palms.

"You're going to ruin your pants doing that." SoonYee handed him some tissue. "Here."

"Thank you." Ryeowook took the tissue and rubbed it on his palms.

"Ryeowook, we're starting. Put that away," Kyuhyun whispered as One Fine Spring Day started playing. Spazzing, Ryeowook just threw the tissue onto the floor behind him. He fixed his posture, trying to look presentable for Sungah, his soon to be wife.

Sungah exited her dressing room, clutching her bouquet with one hand. She saw Donghae standing there waiting for her.

"Hey." She spoke up, catching his attention.

"Hey." Donghae grinned, walking up to her. "You look beautiful."

"I wish I felt beautiful." Sungah replied. She felt her knees shaking again.

"Don't be nervous, you know who is very excited to see you." Donghae sent a 'we're ready' text to Kyuhyun. "And you really do look beautiful."

"Thanks for doing this for me." Sungah said. She gave him a quick hug. "It means a lot."

"It's no problem." Donghae smiled, holding his arm out to her. "Shall we?"

Sungah held onto Donghae's arm tightly and took deep breaths.

"I'm ready." Sungah looked at the closed in front of her, ready for them to open.

The doors opened, making Ryeowook stiffen his shoulders. But when he saw the gorgeous angel coming towards him, he felt his heart melt. So starstruck by her, he relaxed, the reality setting in. He was marrying her. The most beautiful girl in the whole wide world. Kim Sungah. Her white dress, it hugged her body perfectly, so perfectly, he felt his body freeze up in the spot he was standing in.

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