Chapter 23

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Maybe Tomorrow


It was annoying Ryeowook to no end. When was Daehyun going to stop flirting with her? Sungah didn't like it, did she? Wait, he shouldn't care. They weren't even dating yet. There shouldn't be anything to be jealous about. It's been a month since their practice date, but he still thought about it like it were yesterday. They haven't really done anything since then, so it was all he had to work with. But that day left him with one thought. Sungah should be his girlfriend, not someone else's'.

Daehyun was still flirting with her. Could he just go away? Ryeowook was sure they were both doing it just to make him mad. He was probably asking her out on a date right now, and there was nothing he could do about it. The walk home with her frustrated him. Wouldn't she rather the other guy?

"Okay, what's wrong?" Sungah asked.

"Do you like him?" Ryeowook asked. He wasn't sure if he should be jealous or not. Was it stupid?

"Daehyun? What makes you think that?"

Was it the way she giggled when the guy played with her hair? Or him making a joke and she actually laughed so hard her face turned red? What else?

"It's just...You didn't seem to mind him flirting with you."

"You really are a dummy, aren't you?" Sungah pouted, poking his cheek. "You shouldn't be jealous, it's not good for you. There's nothing to be jealous of anyway. Is this how you're gonna act when we start dating?"

Ryeowook shook his head in shame.

"Doesn't the good guy always lose though?" Ryeowook looked at her and frowned.

"If I had to pick between a bad guy and you, I would choose you, the good guy, in a heartbeat. Don't forget that." Sungah replied. "But, if for some reason, if I did not pick you, you have to accept it and move on."


"Because love is selfless. You have to act upon what's best for the other person, not you. What you want doesn't matter, only what they want matters."

"I didn't think you knew that much about love."

"I honestly don't think I know anything about love. I can't even figure out what I feel for you."

That's funny. Because he knew exactly what he felt for her. And that was love. He guessed since he felt that way, he understood what he would have to do to prove his love. Be selfless.


"I don't know you." Sungah's words repeated in Ryeowook's head over and over again.

"What do you mean you don't know me?" Ryeowook was in a complete shock. She couldn't be serious, she couldn't be. "Are you joking?"

"No. Who are you?" Sungah looked like she was very serious. How many times can a person's heart break?

"I'm Ryeowook. Kim Ryeowook." Ryeowook replied.

"Kim Ryeowook? From grade school?" Sungah said. "Why are you here?"

"I heard you had an accident and I was worried sick." He said. "What do you mean, grade school?"

"Well, that's the last I recall seeing you, so..." Sungah replied, "What else should I have said?"

How could this be? Sungah's mother got the doctor in the room, requesting a long-term memory test. Through a one-way mirror, Ryeowook and SoonYee watched. Every answer she gave just confused him more.

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