Chapter 5

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Maybe Tomorrow: Part 1

The Truth:

"Say it again." Sungah commanded. Ryeowook sat next to her, unsure.

"I don't know. It's hard. I can't." Ryeowook sighed.

"Hey," Sungah poked his shoulder. "I don't want you to say you can't. You can, okay?"

"I'm trying, but it's hard." Ryeowook pouted.

"If I can do it, you can too." Sungah pouted back.

"You're different. You sound more native than I do."

"And you know how that happened? By lots of practice. So say it again."

Defeated, Ryeowook repeated his English phrase.

"Do you, want, to, hang out, with me? Later?" Ryeowook pronounced as best he could.

"Well of course! I would love to!" Sungah smiled. "You're doing great Ryeowookie, you should have more confidence in yourself."

"What did I say anyway?"

"You were asking me to spend time with you." Sungah replied. "You're coming to my house after school, so that's why I said yes."

"Oh, well, that makes sense."

"You seem nervous. What's wrong?" Sungah looked at Ryeowook, confused.

He was nervous. He had to meet Sungah's family tonight. How is he supposed to make a good impression? He's not rich, nor good looking; as right now he has nothing to offer Sungah. Although, he did have one thing. As cheesy as it sounds, he had his love for her. He would love her more than any man could if she would let him. He desperately wanted to be her boyfriend, but as Sungah would say, "they're not ready". It just hurt him deep inside.

"Wh-What if your family doesn't like me?" Ryeowook asked her.

"What? Don't be silly, they'll love you!" What's not to like?" Sungah giggled, obviously not worried.

"But how can you know for sure?"

"Trust me. They're going to love you." She patted his shoulder to comfort him. "I told my sister about you."

"You have a sister?" Ryeowook got even more nervous.

"She's only eleven. She can't wait to meet you."

Ryeowook relaxed a little. He liked kids, and the little sister of the girl he loved most was excited to meet him. He wondered what Sungah said about him. Did she mention them walking together? Eating ice cream together? Shopping together? Sharing an umbrella? Holding hands? Her kissing his cheek more than once?

"Ryeowookie." Sungah popped Ryeowook from his thoughts.

"What?" Ryeowook responded as he brought his head back to reality.

"You're staring into space again." Sungah held in a laugh. "You have nothing to worry about, relax. And if you still manage to get yourself too scared, I'll hold your hand."

Sungah laced her fingers with his, holding his hand gently for comfort.

"Thanks." Ryeowook managed to smile. "Sungah?"

"What?" Sungah replied

"I'm afraid if I turn around I'll see everyone staring at us again." Ryeowook lowered his voice to a whisper.

"What makes you say that?" Sungah asked as she looked down at her paper.

"The room has gone silent." Ryeowook pointed out.

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