"I'm Sam, by the way." The one with hazel eyes added. "And this is my brother, Dean."

"I'm Jackson." I introduced, my face growing red. "It was nice to meet you both, but I better get going; long night and all." I smiled weakly, before waving the two off and exiting the doors. Behind me I heard a faint "goodnight" and I smiled to myself, locating my room and drifting off into a peaceful slumber.


The next morning I woke up with a start, hearing a combination of banging, crashing, and screaming from a room beside me. The yelling was coming from a woman, clearly ticked off at whoever the guy was that accompanied her. I groaned to myself, rubbing my eyes and finding the TV remote. Why couldn't people keep their domestic disputes to themselves until after 10:00?

The television clicked on and the distant blaring of sirens from the channel snapped me further awake than I already was. A crime scene was shown on the little window of video that was present, and the reporter blabbed on about a teenage girl, blonde and around 16, who had been punctured in the neck twice in the back of a gas station. Not a speck of blood was found on or around her person, which was odd for a local, random murder.

My mother informed me at a young age that we weren't only beings that weren't "normal." The supernatural world was very complex and many creatures could snap our necks and take our lives in a millisecond. That said, I knew about the basics of some of the more common beasts simply for understanding and protection: werewolves, ghosts, vampires, and shapeshifters. If only she had known that one of those would be her end. My brain clicked as I analyzed the signs, and I knew what I had to do.

I quickly grabbed my cellphone, my room key, my wallet, and a few other little possessions before sprinting to the lobby of the motel. The same worker was still there, and by the look of it he was still pissed about my coming so late last night.

"What now?" He groaned, seeing that nothing indicating my leave was on my person.

"I'd like two more nights please."

I drawled my response out, my breath still caught in my throat from the burst of exercise I had just a moment before. He jotted it down on the paper and I handed him some of the extra cash I had stored in my bag.

"Oh, one more question." He looked up from the paper, eyes narrowed to judgmental slits. "How far away is the library?"


By the time my weak legs made it to the library, it had already been at least half an hour. I immediately drifted off into the folklore sections, seeing as that would be the closest relation to the incident this town was dealing with. My green eyes scanned the titles of the books before landing on the few labeled "Vampires" or something similiar to it. I grabbed as many as I could and found myself a quiet seat in the back of the library.

Going back for more, I rounded the corner only to slam into a towering figure and drop to the floor. My head ached as my eyes traveled up the wall of human, only to be pleasantly surprised.

"Sam?" I groaned, holding my head in agony.

His eyes widened when he realized who it was, and he offered his hand for me to take. He swiftly pulled me to my feet and I brushed off my clothes. Two days in a row that I was seeing this guy, and I had no clue why nothing felt off about it.

"Jackson? I'm so sorry." He explained.

"What are you doing here?" We asked each other in unison, chuckling to ourselves afterwards.

Different {Castiel}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن