Chapter 26: Hisoka vs Kastro

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"So you've been following us since we reached this floor?" I asked. He nodded.

"Well then can you tell me how you just did that?" Asked Killua.

"Unfortunately I can't tell you, we might be opponents one day, I'll tell you if we fight. I'll be waiting for you in the Battle Olympia" He said walking back to his room.

Me and Killua started walking to the stadium and took our seats. We waited until the match began. After a while, Hisoka and Kastro stepped into the stadium and the match began.

"Yes! It's finally time! The long awaited rematch between Hisoka and Kastro!" Screamed the orange haired commentator.

As soon as the guy screamed "begin!" Kastro ran up to Hisoka and took the first hit. 

"What?" Killua said. 

After Hisoka stood up, Kastro got his second hit.

"I'm sure Hisoka dodged that" I said focusing on the match.

"Yeah" replied Killua.

"Clean hit! And Knockdown!" Screamed the referee. Everyone screamed as Hisoka fell to the ground. Hisoka stood up and had his creepy smile on his face.

"If I'm not mistaken, you seemed to disappear. Well that isn't very accurate. You were readying a kick from the front but suddenly you were behind me. I feel like I'm missing something very basic here" said Hisoka.

"It's futile, I'll take you arm with my next attack" said Kastro, getting into his Tiger Bite Fist stance. Hisoka held out his arm and Kastro didn't hesitate to cut it.

"Oh my god! His arm" all you can hear is screams of shock as Hisoka's right arm was cut. However all Hisoka did was laugh lightly and smile.

"Your ability is, in fact, a double" he announced.

"Impressive, you are correct" said Kastro and split into two.

"Wow! Instead of disappearing, Kastro is mutiplying? Is that his twin?!" Screamed the commentator.

"Is that your Doppelgänger?" Asked Hisoka. 

"Indeed" he nodded.

And then they started talking and explaining stuff, I just started thinking about how Hisoka would counterattack and win. 

"True Tiger Bite Fist" said Kastro as he aimed to cut up Hisokas left arm. All of a sudden, Hisoka took out a scarf and covered his arm up with it.

"I will now demonstrate my powers of clairvoyance" he smiled. He threw it up and cards fell down.

"So, I have 13 cards here, choose one and picture it in your head." Said Hisoka, with his usual confident voice.

"Are you ready? Once you have your number add 4 and double the result. And then subtract 6 and divide by 2. Finally subtract the number you started with and what do you have?" Everyone was confused and looked at each other.

"I already know your answer" smirked hisoka and put his hand in his arm that was cut and pulled out a card. "The answer is one" he said showing off the Ace of Spades.


"He's right"


"That's impossible"

"You can have this as a souvenir" said Hisoka and threw the card at Kastro.

"Scumbag. I'll cut up your left arm now" said Kastro.

"Didn't you hear me the first time? I said take it" said hisoka.

And with that, Hisokas left arm had been cut. However his right arm was back in its place. It was very confusing.

After that, the tables turned oh so very quickly. Hisoka was able to recognise the original and hit him right in the chin, which caused him to sway and be dizzy, meaning he could not make another double. And with that, Hisoka ended the match with his cards and killed Kastro, who was in huge shock.

Me and killua walked back to Gon's room. We were both silent. Killua opened the door and walked in, I walked in behind him.

"Killua, Y/N, how was the fight?" Asked Gon.

"It was boring" said killua and walked to the window. I sighed and sat in Gon's bed.

"Did Hisoka win?" Asked Gon.

"I was lying, it was an incredible fight" said Killua facing us.

"I hate to admit this, but I have no idea how Hisoka won" he said.

"Couldn't Agree more. That fight was messed up and confusing. Also the way Hisoka won was a mystery. It all happened so quickly" I said, sitting in a cross-legged position.

"Both of you couldn't tell?" Said Gon quietly. 

"Gon, Y/N, we need to learn more about Nen" smiled Killua.

"Yes boss" I said and laughed.

"Yeah!" Said Gon and laughed as well.

As always thanks for reading and 

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