"Goodnight Rhodes." Tony said, already walking away at the last comment, Stephen following, also chuckling at what Rhodes said.

"Is he always that witty?" He asked as Tony opened the door. "Yup." Tony simply said, following Stephen in. "Makes sense that you both are good friends then."

The both then fell silent as Tony climbed back into bed, Stephen changing into something more comfortable. Tony grabbed his phone to advert his eyes, but he couldn't resist eyeing up Stephen's back muscles before he slipped a shirt back on. It was if he was crafted specially by the Gods.

"So, what did you need me for again?" Stephen asked once he faced Tony again, making unintentional eye contact.

"Oh, I uh," Tony gulped. "I was actually, I just wanted to see you." He confessed, not breaking the eye contact between them.

"Oh? I'll stay then." He said, sitting beside Tony on the bed.

"There's more to me coming over than you just wanting to see me, isn't there." Stephen said, turning his head to look at Tony.

"Kind of... God I'm not one for sharing such personal thoughts I'd rather just go to sleep." Tony stuttered out, reaching for the lamp only to feel Stephen's hand grab his.

"We don't have to talk about it. But we can just talk if you want." He suggested, still holding onto Tony's hand, the both of them having a slight rosyness in their cheeks.

"I'm sorry I," Tony sighed "I'm just not very good about opening up to people, that's all."

"Tony," Stephen began today, a certain tone in his voice that Tony couldn't recognize. "It's okay. Like I said, I'm fine with just talking. But if you ever want to talk about stuff I'm here. I'm a professional, like I said." Stephen reassured him.

"Plus, even if I wasn't a professional, I'd listen. I, this is going to sound sudden and stupid." Stephen chuckled a bit to himself. "Tony I care about you. A lot and-."

"That's what everyone says." He said with a laugh, interrupting Stephen. "All due respect, I genuinely don't believe that. Everyone ends up just leaving me, even when they say that, and I just don't want to get hurt again so if you'll excuse me." Tony said, getting up to use the bathroom and clear his head, or at least try to.

"Don't worry about him!" A voice boomed through the wall that Stephen didn't recognize. "He is like this with all of his romantic conquests! He will come around in time. But if you hurt him I will not hesitate to-." The man was cut off by a softer, sleepy voice "Don't mind him. We just care about Stark a lot. Goodnight, Doctor Strange."

Tony was in the bathroom during the conversation, splashing his face with water. Sure they had gone out to lunch, but was it right for him to be falling for Stephen? The way his name sounded in his mouth, it wasn't like anyone had ever said it before. Did he really care like he said he would? Or would he just leave like the others. The anxiety began to overwhelm Tony once more. Maybe inviting him here wasn't the best idea tonight. With a sigh, Tony went back to the room slowly, twisting the door knob slowly in hopes Stephen was asleep so he could just try to sleep.

But he was awake, a pocket book in his hand. "Oh, you're back. Is everything alright?" He asked, lowering the book to his lap.

"Just," Tony sighed. "Just anxiety getting to me." He confessed, not meeting Stephen's eyes.

"Oh Tony, it's okay. Come sit down." He said, patting the spot on the bed beside him. Tony complied, keeping as much to himself as he could. He could put on a real cocky, sarcastic, sassy personality, but on the inside, Tony wasn't as confident with himself as it may seem. Accepting help was not one of his strong suits for sure. He was working on it though.

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, it seems like that doesn't really comfort you in times like this." Stephen thought for a second. "Ways to help with anxiety are usually talking things out, or physical reassurance." Stephen bit his lip to supress a smile. "Do you need a hug? Or no? Or more?" Stephen was ready to help in as many ways as he could, whatever it took. He just wasn't sure if he was willing in a doctor way, or a romantic way. But he didn't hate it.

"I uh, yeah. A hug or something would be great." Tony admitted, a small smile curling on his lips as he looked at Stephen.

"We could um, cuddle," Stephen suggested "Of course platonically we don't have to do anythin you aren't comfortable with."

"That's okay actually," Tony said softly, fidgeting his fingers in his lap. "It may help me sleep for once."

"And help if you have a nightmare." Stephen said with a nod. "Are you a big or little spoon?"

"I'm a knife." Tony said, his voice sounding more fierce than the softer voice he was using before.

"Okay so you're little spoon." Stephen concluded with a laugh. He then laid down. "C'mere."

"You're sure about this?" Tony asked as he hesitantly slid into Stephen's embrace.

"Positive." Stephen replied sleepily, pulling Tony closer to his chest.

It was odd, but not in a bad way, Tony decided. He actually felt much more secure in Stephen's arms, and before long, his eyes fluttered shut.

And for the first time in awhile, Tony slept soundly through the night.


so much fluff so much gay :') i love my soft boys

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