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Y/N's POV.
As the doctor said that I felt like a heavy weight has been on my shoulders. "What so you mean." I asked, scared of the response. "Well Honey your abdomen has been ripped open and it cause a ripple in your side. Now ulcers can usually be cause of stress but the damage that I see it's caused by something else." As she said that I looked at Bill who was glaring at my parents. Then I saw the make police looking at them strangely.

"Well can it be healed." Asked Bill. "On the contrary, well she has a hole in her stomach so well have to keep her here to close it, and well need results back, but she'll be fine." As she said that I felt relief came off of me. "Well I'm going to need to get you guys to sign paperwork and your insurance bill then your free to go Y/N needs her rest." She said giving them the clipboard and and pen.

"I'll do it." Said Bill, as he took the clipboard and wrote his signature down and other things down. And gave her his insurance card. "Very well I guess I was expecting the parents to do it but you will suffice, so Y/N can't eat anything extreme well have to put her on fluids and well have to be careful on her and do surgery." She said as she took the board out of his hands and gave his card back.
"Ill be back in a bit to check on you ok." She said looking at me while walking to the door. "Ok" I said, as she left with a smile on her face.

As she left it was just me my 'suppose parents' and the policies and Bill. "Well we still have to investigate and ask questions but giving take your health we will put it on hold, on.." Before the police could finish his sentence 'dad' and 'mom' let out a huge sigh that everyone in the room could here. As they did the police looked at them more weirder then before. "As I was saying we will hold it for now but only until she gets better but until then, your stuck with us." As the women officer pushed my mom and dad and Bill out, before the make officer can leave he gave me a note. As I looked at him he put his finger on his lips in a shush matter and smiled at me and left. As I opened the note I smiled and fell back in my bed and let the bed consume me.

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