weird day

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Y/N's POV.
As I was looking through the shoe isle i saw Millie talking to someone. Some boy. I don't know but he looks very familiar. As I was about to go over there. I was stopped by the last person I wanted to see. Sadie sink. "Well well well look who's here it's misses trashmouth. Who did you sleep with this time." She said with disgust but still ended up laughing. "Leave me alone Sadie why don't you go back from where you came from and look for a personality." I said leaving from her.

But just when I was moving I felt Sadie grab my arm as I turned around she was very close to my face. "You leave her alone ok." She said very threatened like. "Leave who alone I didn't mess with anybody. Now get your hands off me, or your gonna learn how to eat and shop with your feet." I said pushing her arm away. "Stay away from Millie ok she doesn't like you ok so stop she never liked you never have never will. SO STOP." She said yelling which cause some attention from others. "Sadie what are you talking about." I said confidently. "Just back off ok she's mine. So stay away or you'll never see the light of day." She said pushing past me.

As I rolled my eyes I continued to shop but Sadie got me so mad I didn't even feel like shopping. So as in was leaving I bumped into someone. Oh great another fucking person. And just my luck. It's the devil in prada shoes now. As she continued to yell at me I made a witty comment and as I did I saw Millie go somewhere as I snapped her out of her trance she going to be mean to me so I had enough as I vented on her I walked away with out saying anything. But as I did I couldn't help but see Sadie talk to someone but I couldn't see who but there conversation was heated but as I shrugged it off I just left.

??? Pov.
"Ok so you know the plan." I said. "Yea. Got the money." As I gave them the money I left. Y/N doesn't know who she's messing with.

Ok I who's the mystery people ? And what's the plan? What are they gonna do to you. Find out what happens in the next episode. And I'm sorry this chapter sucks but like I said I'm finding some inspiration but I promise ill make better and longer chapters. See you guys later. Love ya

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