Strange boy at the store

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Millie's Pov.
As me and Sadie was walking to the mall we stopped at the food court to get some hot dogs. But as we were laughing and talking i saw two boys they looked oddly familiar one with blueish green eyes and blondish brown hair with korean features and looked older and one with curly brown hair with golden brown eyes. I had a bad feeling about them but i shook it of and continued talking to Sadie about girly things. "Hey ready to hit the mall." Sadie said finishing her hot dog. I nodded my head and we walked in the mall. As Sadie went to look for more skirts and shoes i went to look for more shirts and dressses. But as is did i was suprised to see Y/N there but as i was about to walk to her i saw a boy staring at her through the window.

As i walked closely i couldnt make out his face. As i saw him continue staring at Y/N i had that same feeling i had before. Anger. I didnt know why i was angry but something spurts inside me and i charged to the door of the store and marched u to the boy and grabbed him by his shirt. As i held his face close i couldnt help but take he was really good looking guy with short edgy brown hair and green brown hazel eyes. "What are you doin." I said angry and strangely protective. He looked shooked and scared. "What do you mean." He said nervously. But i think its a act. "What are you doing lookin at my girl...," But before i could finish my sentence i quickly cut myself off saying something ill probably regret and as i did he looked at me strangely. " I mean friend what are you doing looking at my friend." I said still angry and suprisingly void.

"I was just watching over her ok." He said and sighed. I looked at him weirdly. And as i let go of him and he fixed his shirt and ruffled his hands in his hair. "What do you mean watching over her? Is she in trouble or something? did something happened? do you know her?" I asked him confused and weirdly. He just sighed and looked around before looking at me. "Yes i know her ok she's my sis...." but before he could finish his sentence he cut himself off. "Yes i know her ok but she's in danger and i have to help her but i need the right time." Before i could protest i heard Sadie.

"Millie what are you doing out here with him." She said with disgust as she looked him up and down. Maybe cause his cloths was ragged with a dirty plaid shirt and ripped dirty jeans and a huge coat that covers his whole body that reaches his knee. And he looked sick with a few moles and his eyes had dark circles under them. He looked almost possessed. He looked at me like i was a idoit. I didnt know what came over me but i wanted to help him and be his friend. "Uh Sadie this is my friend uh bur..burkley yeah his new and he was just saying hi." I said sweetly. "Oh well ok." She said as she rolled her eyes.

"Well can you get rid of him i have to talk to you." She said annoyed. Uh i didnt want him to leave cause i want more answers. "Uh yea yea you should go." I said rudely. As he looked hurt i felt guilty and just as he walked away i couldnt. "Uh w...wait burkly." i said exstanding my hand and arms out. He turned around and looked at me with his puppy dog eyes. "Uh stay but um Sadie i really have to talk to him for a moment please just wait in ther ill be in there real quick." I said sympathy, she just shook her head and stomped her feet. "Fine but only for a few minutes so we can continue shopping before this store close." I smiled brightly and hugged her and she smiled but but gave the boy a glare and sashayed bac into the store.

"Uh thanks for that." He said smiling. "No problem but whats the deal with Y/N. i said protective scared and nervous tone. "Well something happened that she dont know ok and i need to warn her but i need to find the right time." He said fidgety. "Why what happened." I asked curious He looked around and as his eyes landed on the skate park with the two other boys his eyes widen. "I cant talk about this right now right here," AS she said that he pulled a small peice of paper out and handed it to me. "Thats my nimber, you said you was friends with her right." He said hopefull as i nodded my head yes he smiled.

"Well Y/N's in danger maybe you can help her too, just keep her away from the those boys over there." He pointed to the boys at the skate park who was looking at us but quickly looked away. I nodded my head but said why. "Cause they are dangerous ok loook i dont have much time but ill explain everything to you later just call me." He said walking away. But i realized i didnt have his real name. So before he really disappeared i called to him.
"Wait what's your name." I said he just turned around and smile and yelled back. "It's NOAH." He yelled back and ran away. Noah huh.

As i walked to the store door i put the number in my pocket planning on using it later. I dont know why im heping Y/N it's just something in me telling me to protect her and help her and i cant seem to ignore it. But as i turned to the skate park i saw the two boys looking at me. I put up my middle finger and they looked away. As i shook my head i saw bailey laring hard at them. And i saw blood come from her nose and the same happened to me as i wiped the blood from my nose. i saw bailey look at me and stopped glaring and stared at me before wiping her nose and disappeared into thin air. As i sighed i walked into the store trying to forget everything that just happened.

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