((A/N I don't know if I said anything about her parents having there own business or having another job so... if I did forget it please))

I let out a breath that I was holding in..

"That must of been rough for you" Ryder said as he grabbed my hand, he whipped away a tear from my cheek as our food came.

"Enjoy" the waiter said giving me a wink in the process, making Ryder kick him in the shin... I will pretend I didn't see that...

As we dug into our food... and let me say it was amazing!!

"So what about you, what happened to your dad.. if you don't mind me asking" I said quickly at the end.

"No it's okay, well my real dad walked out on me and my mom when I was about 3, my um then met another guy, he was there for me and my mum the whole way. I saw him as my real dad when I grew up. He told my mum about the gang at first she told him to leave but she couldn't for long she was just so in love with him..." he continued "I was a nerd in school all about computing and shit.. funny to think I'm a gang Leader now. But one thing my dad wanted was me to do for him was run the gang.. and that's all he asked me to do was look after my mum and the run the gang.. at first I was just in and out the gang until I just grew to them and there like a second family."

"That must of been hard on you and your mum" I said

"It was she was hurt but she's better now than she was" he replied.

"Wait you were a nerd?!" I asked remembering he mentioned it.

He laughed "Yeah I was, I wasn't always bad ass.. but the thing was I had braces and glasses so it made things worse.."

((A/N I'm just going by movies and shit, everyone is cool in there own way even with glasses or braces, my friends have glasses and braces and there amazing... Okay small rant over..))

"You don't wear your glasses now?" I asked... Ryder in glasses would look hotttt

"No, only when I'm alone" he said as we finished our food and chatted a bit more.

By the end off our night I was a little tipsy... okay I was drunk...

I haven't had anything to drink or that since Max was born and that's almost five years..

As i stumbled to the cars and Ryder catching me when ever I fell...

***R Y D E R S     P O V***

As I got her in the car, I'm thankful I got her to change her mind about letting loose she deserves it honestly, being an single mom for about 5 years must of been hard.. I do wish I met her before i did so could have helped her ages ago.. but now is better than ever right?

I finally got her into the car after of 10 minutes of her trying to run away.

I locked the doors when she did get in.

She was singing to the radio... very loudly as we drove home. I must say it was funny watching her like this...

"Hmmm Ryder hoe about we go upstairs to my room?" She asked in a very sexy voice... and I'm sure Ryder Jr is awake...

"No Avery, you need to get some sleep" I said as I finally got her to her bathroom and sat her on her countertop.

"Ryder you're so hot"

I chuckled "thanks"

I got wipes as I stared to remove her makeup... she wore so much.. I mean she's beautiful with or without it... but I love her when she's natural.. but also when she did wear makeup also means she's dressing up for me right...

Half way through taking off her make up she stopped and pulled off her eyelashes... "do you still have eyelashes?" I asked as she giggled like a kid.

"Mhmm the fake stupid" ohhh that makes sense... I after I got her make up off I took her heels off and put her hair up into a messy bun for comfort.

I got her to her bedroom and got her shots and a top to sleep in. I turned around while she changed.

When she was done I undressed to my boxers and cozy up beside her..

"Your so nice Ryder, I hope you stay around and not leave me." She mumbled.

"You're crazy if you think I'll leave you"I said as I heard her soft snores.

About a couple minutes later I fell asleep as well.


That's nineteen done yaya!

Until next timeee!😘

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