25 - Staten Island Ferry

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"Oh, this is too perfect," Hannah smiled.

"Yeah," Peter smiled, agreeing. "I got the weapons, buyers, and sellers all in one place."

"Incoming call from Tony Stark," Karen told Peter.

"No, no, no. No, no, don't answer," Peter said quickly but Karen answered the call.

"Mr. Parker," Tony Stark said. "Got a sec?"

"Uh, I'm actually at school," Peter loved.

"No, you're not," Karen said. 

"Nice work in D.C.," Tony said.


"My dad never really gave me a lot of support..." Tony said. "And I'm just trying to break the cycle of shame."

"Uh, Hannah and I are kind of in the middle of something right now," Peter said.

"Don't cut me iff when I'm complimenting you," Tony said. "Anyway, great things are about to-"

The ferry horn blares.

Hannah bit her lip, looking at Peter, hoping that it didn't give them away.

"What is that?"

"Uh, I'm at band practice," Peter lied.

"That's odd," Tony said. "Happy told me you quit band six weeks ago. And you just said that Hannah is with you. What's up?"

"I gotta go," Peter said. "Uh, end call."

"Hey," Tony said, but the call ended.

"I'll take those!" Peter said. He snatched a key chain. "Yoink!"

"Peter," Hannah said. 

Before Hannah can say anything else, Peter leaned onto the deck. She sighed and followed suit.

"Hey, guys," Peter said. "The illegal-weapons-deal-ferry was at 10:30. You missed it."

Hannah used her electricity and shot it at two of the guys hands to drop their weapons. She shot electricity to get it out of arms reach. Hannah ducked when they tried to attack her and placed her hands on the side of their stomach. Her powers were strong enough to knock them out. She can use her powers to kill, but she doesn't want someone's death to be in her hands and she never wants to be a murderer. 

Peter disarmed two guys with the spiderweb, kicked Gargan, and slammed him. Peter ducked from Schultz's Shocker gauntlet, which got caught in a gate.

"Spider guy and sparky are here," one man said.

The leader left his sear and two thugs got up behind Hannah and Peter.

"Oh, shit," Hannah said.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Not so fast," Peter said,

Peter and Hannah threw them both.

"Are you guys okay?" Peter said. "My bad. That was a little hard."

Hannah eyed Schultz, who was still struggling to free himself.

"We gotta say," Peter said, "the other guy was better with the webs."

Peter reloaded his web - shooter.

"I'm honestly, I'm, I'm shocked," Hannah said, using her powers to shock him.

Peter shot a web grenade behind him, attaching a thug to the wall with it. In the cargo hold, the leader bashed the slim man's head against the truck. He then faced Peter and Hannah, who were standing yards away on deck. Suddenly, agents came out of nowhere and aiming at Peter and Hannah.

Believer [Peter Parker]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz