Chapter Ten

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That next day was a blur. I had packed things for Lilith for her time at the Cullens. Called in at work saying I was on vacation. Let others know I was leaving. Called Jake and the Pack to let them know what was going on. It didn't go well at first....but they finally gave in. Their voices sounded wounded but they knew there was nothing I could of done.

"Mommy aunty Esme said that I wouldn't see you for a little while...are you leaving me?" Her big green eyes were filled with tears. I gasped softly and held her close to me.

"Mommy will be back sweetie I promise I will." She nodded softly and laid her head on my shoulder. I closed my eyes holding her close. I ran my hand through her curls and felt someone lightly touch my back. Jasper.

"It's time Bella." I swallowed thickly and squeezed Lilith close again before handing her to Jasper. I kissed her cheeks softly and smiled. She smiled back and laid her head on Jasper's shoulder. She blew me a kiss as Jasper carried her out to Carlisle's car. I caught it and held my fist to my chest. And it stayed there after Carlisle drove away. I felt cool spots on my face and new I was crying. Jasper picked me up in his arms and carried me back inside.  I stared into Jasper's topaz eyes. So many emotions swirled in them. Slight anger, weariness, frustration,love,and soft sadness. I leaned up and kissed him softly. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me back. He then laid me onto my back still kissing me. When I became breathless and started panting he kissed my face. Slowly and softly kissing each inch of my face. Tears welled up in my eyes. This felt like a goodbye. I held him close. The kisses trailed from my jaw to my neck. They slowed but my heart raced. He kissed over my heart and I felt him mouth "I love you." A tear ran down my cheek finally.

"I love you too." And then he bit down into my neck. We knew it didn't have to be there but that's were we decided. The pain...was unimaginable. I wasn't prepared but I bit my lip to stop the screaming. No doubt he could already feel my pain. I vaguely felt the pain in my wrist and ankles as he tried to spread the venom faster.  My heart raced and I withered around unable to stop the whispers of pain and the tears that felt like acid sliding down my skin. Suddenly a loud crash erupted.


Jasper's POV

At the sound of the crash the "Major" side of me emerged.  I snarled loudly at the intruder. How dare they interrupt me taking care of my Mate?! My growl grew as I saw the Voltaire. Alice screamed in anger behind them.

"No! We got here too late!" I crouched prospectively over Bella as I saw Edward there too. Aro sighed.

"Alice you said she wasn't planning on changing at all. That's why we sent that message over a week ago--" I cut him off.

"A week ago? We got that Damn message three days ago!" He frowned and tilted his head thoughtfully.

"Seems young Alice betrayed you again. We will leave this to you and leave....unfortunately no rules are broken." Edward growled and threw himself through the brothers.

I lunged at him and we crashed through the wall. I felt his bites into my hard skin but ignored them. He tried to have my Mate killed. Suddely the feeling of Bella's pain intensified. ..but it felt wrong. I whirled around and saw Alice over Bella's body. Her mouth latched onto the other side of her neck. She was trying to suck it out! I threw Edward out the large window and launched myself at Alice knocking her off of Bella. I had just started pulling her head off when Jane's power set in. I rolled to the side and clutched my head staring at my Mate. I crawled to her ignoring the pain as much as I could. I heard Aro giggling in excitement.

I laid my body gently over Bella's to protect her, and wrapped her in my arms. I felt her body thrashing. Not near enough venom was left in her to finish the process. I leaned over to Alice's bite and bit, my head fogging. The last site I remember seeing was Felix ripping of Edward's head and Jane and her brother working on Alice. I would never admit that it impressed me she could do that while causing me pain.

Oh Bella...I'm so sorry. ...please pull through for me...because I don't know what will happen to you now.


Short yes but I thought it'd be good to end there thanks for reading

Venom and Love in Many Forms A Twilight Fan-fiction.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum