Chapter Three

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Disclaimer: Don’t own.

                                                            Chapter Three:

   Lilith gasped when she saw the Cullens, then she hid behind me. Esme smiled at her, pride in her eyes. Carlisle smiled also, and wrapped and arm around his Mate. Emmet grinned from ear to ear, Rose had a motherly smile. Jasper had multiple emotions across his face then he smiled at her.

   "Lilith this is some of mommy's old friends. Would you like to meet them?" Lilith looked up at me her transparent green eyes wide and curious, she slowly stepped forward. She meet in the middle, and looked up at Carlisle. He smiled taking the arm of his Mate and crouched so he was her height.

   "Hello Lilith, my name's Carlisle. My you’re so pretty, like your mother." Lilith blushed at his comment, and then straitened her shoulders.

   "It’s nice to meet you Carlisle." She held out her small hand, the Cullens looked absolutely shocked at this. I laughed and beamed at my daughter. Carlisle took her hand and shook it gently. Esme came up next; she got on her knees in front of her.

   "I'm Esme honey. It's a pleasure to meet such a beautiful little girl. Would you mind if I hugged you instead of shaking your hand?" Lilith looked at me, and I nodded smiling.

   "It's nice to meet you too Esme," She frowned when she said the name she had a problem pronocing the end. "And yes." Esme automatically hugged her smiling.

   "Hi Lilith! I'm Emmet don't be formal to me like you are to those old people!" Lilith giggled.

   "Hello Emmet." He beamed. Rose came up and hugged her to.

   "Hello Lilith I'm Rosalie but call me Rose. “Lilith looked in awe at the woman.

   "Hello Rose, you’re very pretty." Rose smiled at this.

   "Not as pretty as you." She tapped her nose, Lilith giggled.

   "Mommy's prettier than me." She said hugging my waist; I just smiled stroking her hair. Rose laughed.

   "Your mommy's prettier than me, so are you." Lilith blushed I just rolled my eyes. Jasper was last, he approached us with a smile and his eyes were filled He crouched in front of Lilith.

   "It's a pleasure to meet ya little lady. I'm Jasper." His southern accent filled the room. Lilith giggled.

   "It's nice to meet you Jasper. Jasper? Are you a cowboy?" The Cullens laughed at this.

   "He sure is!" Emmet said. Jasper rolled his eyes but smiled at Lilith.

   "Yes ma’am." She turned to me.

   "You should take a picture of him mommy!" Jasper chuckled at this, and I just smiled.

   "I might take pictures of them sweetie. Now do you want a snack?" She bobbed her head up and down. "Ok, Lilith be good why I go make it." She nodded, and then tilted her head at them.

   "You guys want to see my room?" She asked excitedly. She was answered with multiple yes, sure, and yeah. "Uncle Jacob, Quil, Embery, Sam, Paul, and Seth helped carry in the big stuff, while Aunt Emily, Leah, Kim helped decorate." The Cullens looked at me shocked but I just shrugged. "Mommy can they see your room too?" I smiled and nodded, then went to make her snack. I made her a grill cheese with thin tomato slices, and then put a couple cookies on her plate for her after she was done. They came back shortly after I was done. Lilith squealed when she saw the snack and hurriedly went to her chair. Jasper helped her into it. "Thank you Jasper." He smiled.

Venom and Love in Many Forms A Twilight Fan-fiction.Where stories live. Discover now