Chapter Nine

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"Bella I can't take it anymore. Please tell me what's wrong?" Jasper all but begged me. I looked into his worried eyes and sighed deeply.

"What if Alice and Edward go to Aro?" He froze slightly but I would of never noticed if I hadn't been paying attention.

"We will be fine Bella. I promise." I nodded slowly and started thinking out loud.

"Even if they did Lilith would be fine. She doesn't know what you guys are. But I'd have to be you think your family would watch her? " he grabbed my face in both hands almost roughly. 

"If you are changed it will be your choice." His bright eyes burned into mine. I nodded silently still staring into his eyes. A soft voice interrupted our staring.

"Mommy? Someone's here." I frowned I hadn't heard a knock.  I looked at Jasper who's eyes were now black. I lifted Lilith up and sat her on her favorite chair. 

"Thank you for telling us sweetie Jasper will take care of it. You want to watch a movie?" Her curls bounced as she nodded. "Ok how about...The Adams Family?" She squealed excitedly nodding. I laughed and put the DVD in. I giggled as she sang the song and she frowned deeply as she tried to snap. I grinned and snapped for her. Jasper was suddenly behind me his arms wrapped tightly around my middle.  I leaned against him. I felt something press against my stomach. It was a letter. I gently took it from his fingers, my own hand shaking as I did.  I opened it and read it silently. 

'Isabella, I heard you were once again speaking with the Cullens. And surprisingly a Mate of one. I offer my congratulations.  But laws need to be followed.  We request that you are changed in a week at most.

And we suggest you be careful with your daughter. Vampire children are not allowed.


I stared at the page until my vision went blurry.  They...went to them. It happened one of my worst fears. I looked at Lilith, as she laughed at the movie. Then I saw nothing.


I felt cool fingers stroking my face gently. I blinked a few times trying to clear my vision. 

"Darlin' I told you it'll be ok and it will." I covered my face.

"I have no choice now. I wanted a choice...and what about Lilith? " I bit my lip trying to stop,my worries from being voiced. He pulled me into his lap muttering soft comforts into my ear. "I'll have to quit my job..." Jasper made me look at him.

"Isabella you are going to be extraordinary.  You are going to be in control faster than any newborn." I looked at him shocked.

" you know?" He sighed.

"Alice always saw you as a vampire. That much was true.  You were in control completely in less than two months....we'll call then and tell them you're sick from an exotic disease from a vacation." I rubbed my face wanting to cry all over again.

"You make it sound so easy...I'm calling Jake she's going to be there for the time." He looked at me shocked.

"The others-" I cut him off.

"I can't risk it. I'm going to be there a lot and Alice and Edward have to be as far as possible. " I dialed. Jake's number before anything else was said. I looked to the side and saw Jasper was gone. A slight pain entered my heart but I knocked it away . Jacob answered on the first ring.

"Hey Bells what's up?" I took a deep breath and got ready to tell him when suddenly the line went dead.  I gasped and looked to the door and Jasper was watching me.

"Bella. ..would they really let you have Lilith back without a fight?" I automatically went to defend the Pack but froze. He was right...I'd have problem a with them trusting me. My ability to stand being around my own daughter.

"But...I don't want her around Alice and Edward...."I whispered. He wrapped his arms around me.

"They'll go to Alaska." I closed my eyes. Terror filled me as I thought about what could happen. I felt Jasper's hand tangle in my hair before yanking my head back so I stared into his eyes.

"It. Will. Be. Fine." Each word was followed with a hard demanding kiss. I planted softly as I stared into his eyes.

"Mommy...are you ok?" Lilith asked crawling into the bed with us. I looked into her beautiful eyes and smiled.

"I'm fine sweetie would you like to go get some ice cream?" She squealed slightly, the problem forgotten, and went to put on her shoes. I looked into Jasper's eyes and he knew what I was doing.

He knew I was getting ready to say goodbye to her...but only for a little while.

Venom and Love in Many Forms A Twilight Fan-fiction.Where stories live. Discover now