A Hellish Reunion Part 3

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"Listen Anti! I don't want to fight you. I want to talk to you. Please just stop. There's so much I need to talk to you about!" Dark pleaded with Anti before the wingless green loving demon kicked Dark spare in the chest tossing him to Sean's kitchen. "Okay Anti, I'll fight you but I won't enjoy it," Dark said as he slowly got up with blood on his face due to a massive gasp Anti gave him. Dark then flew across the room grabbing Anti. He tossed him up into the air a little bit and then grabbed him and dragged him down to the ground. Anti ended up on his back in shock for a minute.

Mark and Sean were in the other room listening in the whole thing. "What do we do? How can we stop them from fighting?" Sean said to Mark who was shaking his head. "Sean I don't think there's anything we can do." "So we're just gonna sit and watch them destroy themselves and MY furniture! " "Hey there's nothing we CAN do until tip those two stop fighting. Otherwise, we'll end up hurt ourselves, got it, Sean. There's nothing we can do. We just need to let them work this out in there own way." " I just don't think it's a good idea, that's all. I don't want to see them getting hurt." "No Sean I understand where you're coming from me neither. But you know what I said...."

Anti was getting up to punch Dark again when something in the corner of his eye caught his attention. It was a home pad to get back to where he grew up! "I can go home," Anti said to himself. "What did you say scum..." Dark said. Then he saw what Anti was talking about. "Anti no! You don't want to go back there." Anti didn't listen and grabbed the pad. He did whatever he needed to do and pressed something to send him and Dark to their home.

Within a flash, Anti was in the middle of a grassy field. It was warm and sunny. It was home. There was no sign of Dark so Anti decided to do the one thing that he'd been wanting to do for a long time. He went to his mother and brothers home. His brother lived with his mother at the time he left. Anti tripped on a giant patch of tangled up grass. "Fucking grass" he muttered to himself. He raced home like a small child. He raced home and opened the door, what he discovered made his heart sunk.

It was empty. Like no one lived there for a very long time. "Mother? Malcolm? Where are you guys?" Anti hollered. Anti started to run around the old house to look for his siblings. For his mother. That's when he noticed that the house was decaying. The walls were cracked. The roof was showing the bright sunshine. That's when Anti just broke down. "Where are you? Why am I alone?" He screamed. He screamed so hard that his throats became raw. His face was extremely red from crying hard. "Anti? I'm so sorry Anti. They're gone. After you were banished your brother Mally was sent to fight against the dark beings. He was stabbed and passed. Your mother couldn't take the grief of losing two sons at once and took her own life..." Dark said. Anti was sobbing and screaming at the same time. Dark grabbed Anti and pulled him in for a hug, bear hug. "What about my other brother and my sisters..." "I'm sorry Anti, they're gone too. There was a disease that was ignored by the King. It took there live as well as many others...." They just sat there for a while. Anti crying and mourning over the loss of his family and Dark crying because he felt terrible for Anti. Because they both lost their families.

"Dark... is this why you didn't want me coming here... and is this what you wanted to talk to me about?" "Yes, this isn't exactly how I pictured it playing out though...." "Thank you, thank you for caring about me even after how much I tried to kill you...." "It's okay I've forgiven you every time. So now what?" "I'm going to get revenge on the Jing that's what!"

"Oh okay... wait for what?!" Dark asked shocked. "Well yeah, I've heard nothing but bad coming to your mouth about how the Pewds has this or that... surely you don't think I'll let him get away with destroying my family right?" "No I don't, but do ya at least want help or something...?" Dark asked awkwardly. "Really?" "Sure why not? You're right he's done nothing to help anybody but himself. In fact, he 'ordered' me to come to get you. Of course, I had a different plan but that's out the window now. So how are we going to do this?" Dark asked, curiosity taking over. "I've got an idea, but it's very fucking risky."

Dark knew right then and there that Anti was not only crazy, and not just evil. But a fucking genius too.

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