The Time Of Reckoning Is Upon Us

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Day after day I traveled land I've never seen. The lands I passed were truly a sight. There were fields never touched by my people. The fields were filled with grass and shrub as tall as me, perhaps taller than you. They were filled with flowers that I never knew even existed. I stopped and smelled them. I laid in the biggest fields and watched the sky. It was filled with clouds of all sorts of shapes.

As I continued my journey home I saw a beautiful waterfall, it was so beautiful. It was so clear... it was so familiar. I immediately recognized as the water in the park. I stopped to go near it to see where it traveled. Which direction it was flowing to. It flowed to the sun, the north. The sun was so bright. Before I left for home, I bathed in it. All that cloud watching got me gross. I washed my clothes too, though it would've helped if they stayed together. Lucky I took an extra outfit with me, though I liked the shirt it was neon green. I love green, it's my favorite color.

I continued to fly home. I came upon the gates. The entrance to my home, I was so scared to enter. Would anyone recognize me or think of me as a monster? Well, there was no turning back now... the following sight shocked me. They were crowning Pewds as King! King for fuck sacks! Then there was dark wearing the headgear of the head the royal knights. That should've belonged to me!

I called out darks name. Everyone turned to me. And gasped, in fact, I could see tears in Darkś eyes. ¨Anti you're alive!?!?¨ He screamed that at me. ¨How dare you! You abandon me Dark after all I've been through with you.¨ He must not have cared for what I said because he ran to me. ¨Anti, your hands? is that blood? Is it stained on you? And your wings, what happened to your wings?!¨ 

¨You dark you're what happened to them! I've been through hell and back because you and king asshole over there abandoned me. They captured me, dark, tortured me. THEY CUT OFF MY WINGS! I had to ride here on a goddamn monster.¨ With that, I scratched his face with my claws. Then I punched him.

¨Anti, stop, don't make me fight you. You're my best friend, please.¨ Dark yelled trying to get me to listen ¨You're nothing to me dark,¨ I screamed to him, ¨the voices are my only pals. The voices care for me.¨ ¨Oh anti, you fucking lost it.¨ ¨I might've lost it dark, but you about to lose your life¨ And I attacked him.

The fight for redemption was here... I would not give up unless either he died or I died...

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