One Year Later

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One year later. One year. No family. No friends. Just my own darkness, pain and insanity. One year of loneliness and sorrow. The idea of never getting to go home... it's so painful.

One year later and the nightmares still continue.

Anti is in the dungeon. Dark and wet cold, he shivers as he tries to keep warm. Then suddenly out of nowhere, hes' face to face with the one who abandoned him. "Dark? Dark! Help me! Please!" Anti begged Dark to help him. Dark just snickered and walked into the shadows. He was alone.

Then the demon who ripped off Antis wings appeared out of the shadows. He had a knife. He walked slowly to the door of the dungeon and walked in to find Anti begging for his life. He took the knife and dramatically put his arm back. Then he swung forward his dark knife-wielding arm towards Antis' chest. That's when he opened his eyes.

"Another nightmare, great. Just lovely." He thought to himself. He went to the window where he usually would know a day. A green love seat was placed there by the lovely Signe. "I guess I'll just watch the stars, the beautiful bright moon and see if there's another shooting star again." He thought to himself. After about an hour of star searching, his mind continued to race and always stopped at one very specific thought. Home.

"Oh god, I miss my home. I miss my siblings, my actual happy life. I miss being able to look forward to the day." He sat there feeling the sting in his eyes indicating he was about to cry. "Oh god, why? Why did he abandon me? Why did he leave me behind?" He thought as the tears came down his pale white face. He was extremely depressed. In the beginning of living with Sean and Signe, he would get up and look forward to the day. Now he can't wait for it to end.

As Anti continued to relentlessly cry, Jack got up. He couldn't sleep very well. He was so worried about Anti. He hasn't pranked Jack in a while and that had him worried. He knew how much Anti loved pranks. He also noticed he hasn't been eating and lost a ton of weight. Everything that he owned now was way too baggy on him. It made him look absolutely terrible.

Jack got up to get something to drink. On the way down he heard something. Then he recognized it. Crying. Painful crying. Like someone was in pain kind of crying. "Anti?" Jack said out loud. He hoped Anti was okay. "Where are you?" He asked. He entered his room and was shocked at the sight in front of him. Anti sitting there knees to chest red-faced and tears running down his face.

"Jack?! What are you doing in here? Just leave me alone." "What's a matter with you lately Anti? You won't eat, you can barely sleep. Just please talk to me." "No you don't care, no one does." "You wouldn't be here if no one cared Anti. Now please talk to me."

Anti and Jack just sat there for a moment or two. Then suddenly with a sigh, realizing that Jack wouldn't leave Anti started talking. "I miss my home place, my family. I miss feeling normal." Jack sat there for a moment, thinking on what to say. "I'm sorry you're homesick. I hate the idea that you can't talk to your family members. That so sad." Jack and Anti just sat there. For hours, just talking. By the time the sun came up and Wiishu came out the two were laughing and joking around.

"Have you two been up all night?" She asked. "Yes," they both answered. They both continued with there conversation while Wiishu shook her head. "At least he's smiling again." She left them on their own devices. She only interrupted when she brought in some pancakes for them to eat. "Thank you Signe" they both said. After about another two hours of talking Jack left Anti alone. He fell asleep, so jack tucked him in and played his music box. "Goodnight Anti, sweet dreams." With that Anti smiled in his sleep.

At that point, Jack was tired too. After all, it was 7 at night. "I think he's going to be fine. He was laughing and talking with me." Jack said with a small smile. Wiishu smiled too. "Oh thank god so do you think he'll be back at his old self soon." " Hmmmmmm," Jack said. He was falling too on the couch. "Aaaawwww," Signe thought to herself, she loved that loud Irish bean. "Goodnight sweetie," she said then she kissed him on the cheek. She brought out a blanket and covered him. Then took a book turned off the lights for him and headed to the shared bedroom they slept in together. She sat on the bed and read the book she had with a big smile on her face for the rest of the night.

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