Days Gone By

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I sat on this creature and just did nothing but think. That's all I could do. Think and think. All by myself, no one was with me. We landed so the creature could rest as well as me resting. I mean we both needed it. As I made the fire I noticed something on my hands. It was red. It was in my claws and everything. So I went to find some water. I found a small lake and dunk my hands in it.

I felt so sticky and disgusting I ended up taking my clothes off and going right in it. The water was so cold. But it felt so good. As soon as I got out I looked at my back. I noticed the marks that were left. Two giant scars running down my back, constant reminders of the hell I've been through. The terrible torture that I had to endure.

What day was it? What month? I wondered what was going home. I just wanted to my older brother and hug him. I wanted to my mom and tell her she's the greatest woman in my life. I... I... just wanted to go home. Though I was scared of they would think of me. I had no wings, covered in scars and now my hands are, like, stained with blood. Now I know I'm nuts too.

I keep checking over my shoulder paranoid they'll follow me, even though I know they won't. I was so scared. The more I also thought of it the more I went crazy over anger. I was going to kill dark for what he did to me. For making me the way I am now. I'm a monster, a freak... I was so angry by then I couldn't sleep.

Hours later I saw the light, sweet warm sunlight, how I'd missed it so much. I hoped on the creature and continued flying. I would be home soon, dark, and I will get my revenge....

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