17: You're Having A What!?

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"There are some things you need to know about hybrid pregnancies, firstly: He's going to be nesting like this for a little while and he's going to make nests like these all over the house."

I nod absorbing his information as Jimin suddenly stands up and runs into the en-suite bathroom.

I follow right behind to check if he's okay, only to find him looking at his tummy in the full length mirror.

He lifts his shirt out of his skirt and raises it so he can look at his tummy.
He stares at his belly, confusion written all over his face.

"Yoonie?" He calls out to me, seeing me behind him in the reflection of the mirror.

I walk up to him, wrapping my arms around his waist and placing my hands on his tummy.

How could I not have noticed? His tummy is firm and no longer soft like it used to be, it also looks bigger, but not by much. Now I'm looking at him, I can certainly tell that he is in fact, pregnant.

"What's the matter Jiminie?"

"Is it true? Am I really pregnant?" Jimin looks afraid as he places his hands on top of mine, threading our fingers together.

We look into each others eyes in the mirror.

"Yes, you are kitten. We're going to have a little baby!" I tell Jimin excitedly. The two of us rubbing his beautiful but small pregnant belly.

"You're having a WHAT?!"

Oh shit.

Me and Jimin both turn around go see Jin and Namjoon standing in the doorway of the bathroom, a very nervous and guilty looking Hoseok behind them.

Why do people just let themselves into my house, and always at such bad moments...

"Jin calm-" Namjoon begs Jin, arms around his waist.

"CALM DOWN?? This fucking asshole got Jimin pregnant! My little brother-"

Jin tries to come towards me, but Namjoon holds him back easily, with his bigger body and strength.

"Jinnie! It's okay! I don't know how it happened, I didn't even know it was possible but I'm really happy!"

"This is exactly what I came over to warn you about, Jimin! We're both able to get pregnant. I should've told you sooner... I was worried this would happen. You're too small to have babies Jiminie. You're too young and you've only known Yoongi for such a short time, how long has it been, what? 4 or 5 months-"

"Princess, please the bab-" Namjoon begs over Jin's words. But it falls on deaf ears.

"That's not fair! You always bring my height into everything like it's my biggest weakness! But it has never stopped me from living my life like any other hybrid! You always have to make me feel like a child, like I'm not capable of anything, well you know what? I am, I'll tell you what I can do-"

I squeeze Jimin's hand to stop him from telling his secret. He was so freaking close to telling Jin and Namjoon.

Jin takes a very loud, deep breath in and out.

"Well, I suppose I might as well tell you what I came here to tell you... I'm pregnant... too."

Both me and Jimin gasp.

One pregnant is shock enough, but TWO?!

Hoseok finally walks into the room, looking less shame faced now.

Some warning would've been nice about the "visitors."

"If you want I can take you all to my clinic and give you both ultrasounds, so you can see your babies?"

I smile at Hoseok.

Now that sounds like a good idea to me.

Plans had to be changed today, but considering the outcome of today and the amazing news for both me and Namjoon with our pregnant boyfriends.

The room is filled to the brim with the emotion called happiness.

And that's how we all feel right now.

Maybe less so for Jin considering the glares he keeps giving me...

I'm not looking forward to the private conversation I know will happen between us later about Jimin's pregnancy.

But at the moment I'm too happy to care.


Sorry if this is crap, I just really wanted to update

Thank you for reading,


BunBun ❤️

Cared For #YoonminNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ