You'll never be her

Depuis le début

"It's alright" he said reaching her hand and squeezing it "just keep your guards with you all the time and..."

"Keep your gun loaded and in reach" she finished for him smiling "I remember daddy don't worry"

"What about you Em?" Suddenly Cate asked from across the table "how is your job? Are you having fun killing people?" She lifts her eyebrows waiting for my answer.

I did what I always do, I ignored her and kept chewing my food as if she didn't even speak.

"I see that Lex's present didn't do the Job" said Liliane through her teeth.

"Oh my dear big sister" she said smiling "nobody's present can affect me"

when she looked around and saw that dad was weirdly looking at her, she lost it. her eyes watered and she stood up her body shaking like crazy.

"You all don't understand" she said with a chocked voice "no one told her to be anything than herself but she had to step in and ..."

Step in what? I seriously have no idea what she's talking about, I was about to ask her when she just pushed back her chair and walked away.

Dad took a breath and shook his head.

"I'll never know what's in that girl's mind" he said putting down his fork and knife.

"Don't worry dad" said Luna from the side of the table "it's just a lot is going on in her life it's stressing her out"

My dad really wanted to believe Luna's lie but it didn't get through, he wiped his hand and stood up.

"But dad you didn't even touch your food!" Said Liliane standing up as well.

"I'll eat later" he said faking a smile "but don't stand up too, keep eating I have a lot of work to be done" and he walked away.

"I'm going to kill that..." Said Lili throwing her napkin on the table and as she turned I pulled her back.

"Apparently she has a problem with me" I said sitting her down "I guess today is the day I'll find out what is it .. I'll deal with it, you just eat" and I handed her back her fork.

"But Em..." said Sicilia begging me not to go "let me" she suggested.

I looked at her and smiled "eat... We worked all morning for it"



they all set down, even Lex and I turned around and walked upstairs.


I didn't even knock, I just opened the door.

"Don't you know knocking you freak?" She yelled at me from her bad.

Freak, I heard that word a lot but never in my house, never from a family, never from a sister I took care of since she was 9 years old.

"Are you crying?" I asked as her face was like a raccoon.

"No I'm leaking" she said sarcastically "of course I am you Dracula, I'm surprised you even know the word"

"I want you to save all the nonsense you're about to say to me because I simply won't care, just tell me what's wrong and I'll get out of your hair" I said crossing my arms.

"This ! " she said coldly "coming up to my room asking about what's wrong...your so pathetic way of trying to be like mum"


"no one told you to be our mother!  you just took her place! no one told you to feed us or to dress us or to take care of us at all! we weren't that young we had a babysitter! you just should've been who you are! our sister that's it! Just because you look a little bit like her doesn't mean you should be her because you'll never be her!"

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