Chapter 6 ~ Potential Unleashed

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I originally wanted this chapter to be shorter but I got caught up writing it that I forgot to notice how long it turned out. Anyway here's chapter 6.

"Well, Izuku I know that you want to get stronger so what better way than to have me unlock your potential. However while your training here you can this place to help you unlock Super Saiyan 3, just don't break my planet."

"Thank you, Mr. Kai."

"Please just call me old Kai, after all, I'm not the only Kai here. I sent Kibito and the Supreme Kai to get coffee beans because we ran out."

After he said that Kibito and Supreme Kai appeared with old Kai's coffee beans.

"Here are your beans sir."

The tall one with reddish skin handed the beans to old Kai.

"You idiot, I asked for decaf beans, not this."

"I'm sorry, but this is all they had left."

"Tch, fine. I guess it'll work."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Kibito and Mr. Supreme Kai."

Izuku faced the two Kai's and bowed his head.

"The pleasure is ours Izuku, in fact, I heard about you from old Kai."

The short one stretched his hand out to Izuku. He stood up straight and shook Kai's hand.

"It's the Supreme Kai Izuku, but you can just call me Shin."


"All right now those pleasantries are out of the way, it's time to train you Izuku."

"Yes, old Kai."

Old Kai trained Izuku for 1 week to get his potential unleashed. It took a lot longer than old Kai thought because Izuku didn't believe in himself. In fact, the kid barely had any self-esteem at all. So a majority of the training was Kibito and Shin trying to get Izuku's self-esteem back up to a normal person. When his self-esteem was back up he finally had his attained Potential Unleashed. After that Izuku began his training on unlocking Super Saiyan 3. However every time he tried to go Super Saiyan 3 the only thing that happened was that he farted...every time.

"No no no, you idiot you didn't take Goku's words to heart. He said that the power is already inside of you, so you have to pull it out. All your doing is passing and releasing gas and stinking up my planet."


Izuku flew a good distance away so that if he farted again old Kai wouldn't hear or smell it. Izuku began to power up as he turned Super Saiyan then Super Saiyan 2. As he finally took Goku's words to heart, he started searching for power deep within. As he was searching he was screaming in pain as he was trying to find it. In the meantime, his screams were heard throughout the entire planet as it started shaking. As Izuku's hair started growing longer the enormous burst of energy radiated throughout the Universe. When the energy hit Earth anyone who could sense ki was on high alert. The energy wave first made its way to a mountainous area.

"You feel that Nail, it looks like our pupil is doing marvelous."

"Yes, I do kami."

"Nail and kami, both of you shut up. I was the one who trained him. Still, this reminds me of when Goku went Super Saiyan 3. Just what happened to you kid."

The wave then made its way to a city.

"Krillin do you feel that? It kinda feels like Izuku, but you only trained him 5 months ago. For him to get this strong in just 5 months...this kid is going to be a monster."

From the Shadows to Godhood, with My Pink AngelWhere stories live. Discover now