Chapter 5.2 ~ Training with Goku

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After Izuku had finished Vegeta's training he was meditating in the yard when a black spiky haired man appeared out of nowhere. Izuku was shocked out of his meditation and fell on his face.

"Hey, are you ok?"

"Y...Yes, I'm fine."

"Ok good, do you know where Vegeta is because I want to spar with him."

"Mom sent him to get groceries."

"Who's your mom?"



Izuku explained his story to the guy with the gravity-defying hair.

"Oh, ok. Well my names Goku, seeing as how your now a Saiyan you must love to fight as well right."

"Yeah sure, it beats getting interrupted during meditation."

"Ok sweet. Oh, grab my shoulder."


Izuku grabs Goku's shoulder as he placed 2 fingers on his forehead as they both disappear. They reappeared in front of an old man with light purple skin with weird clothes.

"Hey old Kai, I'm here to spar with Izuku."

"Why do you assume that my planet is your personal arena?"

"Please Mr. Kai."

"Fine, only because Izuku has manners."

Goku and Izuku turned super saiyan as they fought blow for blow. Izuku started gaining the upper hand as Goku was struggling. Goku was backed into a corner as he began powering up as his hair got more spikes and his ki skyrocketed.

'Holy crap his ki shot up and not only that but his hair got even more spikes if that was even possible.

Goku rushed him again where they exchanged blows, but this time Izuku was having trouble keeping up. Izuku staggered as Goku punched him in the gut causing blood to come from his mouth. Goku hit him in the head knocking izuku back. He appeared behind izuku and kicked him in the shoulder. Not letting up Goku appeared punching and kicking at all angles not letting Izuku having room to breathe. When Goku punched Izuku in the gut again izuku dropped out of Super Saiyan and fainted.

"I think I went too far."

"You think, Goku he's only 14 years old."

"Still to push me to Super Saiyan 2, he could have more potential than Gohan."

"I don't disagree with you there."

Izuku woke up a few minutes later.

"Hey, how long was I out?"

"Only a few minutes. To think that you pushed me to Super Saiyan 2, your really something Izuku."

"Heh, thanks."

"Hey, I know do you want me to train you Izuku."

"Yes thank you, Goku."

"When you finish Goku's training come back here so that I can unleash your potential."

"Yes sir, thank you, Mr. Kai."

Goku trained Izuku on Earth to learn his techniques for 2 months. He taught Izuku how to turn Super Saiyan 2 and how to use Kaio-Ken. The highest that Izuku could go was Kaio-Ken x5. He also taught him how to read minds by touching a person's head. Goku showed Izuku how to heal someone using ki, as well as teaching him how to communicate telepathically. Goku taught him the Afterimage technique and the Instant Transmission. He showed him how to use telekinesis and how to create an energy barrier. The last 2 techniques that Goku taught Izuku were his favorites, the Spirit Bomb and the Kamehameha. During the 2 months of training Izuku mastered all of Goku's techniques perfectly and he surprised Goku when he combined Super Saiyan 2 with Kaio-Ken x5.

"Okay, Izuku let's head back to Supreme Kai's world."

"Yes, sir."

Izuku and Goku both use Instant Transmission to reach Supreme Kai's world.

"Izuku, did I tell you that there's a level beyond Super Saiyan 2?"

"Is it Super Saiyan God, because Vegeta told me about it."

"Well yes and no, I'm talking about Super Saiyan 3."

"Oh cool, can you please show me."

"Heh ok, but brace yourself."

Goku started powering up as he went Super Saiyan then Super Saiyan 2.

"This Izuku is Super Saiyan 3, watch what I'm doing."

Goku started screaming and the entire planet started shaking. All the clouds in the area immediately dispersed as immense winds from Goku blew them away. Izuku noticed the enormous rise in ki in Goku and saw that his hair was growing longer. When Goku had finished screaming the planet stopped shaking and Izuku saw that Goku's hair had gone all the way down to his lower back. Goku had lost his eyebrows and his hair was spiky golden.

"This Izuku is the legendary Super Saiyan 3."

Izuku noticed that Goku's voice had gotten deeper, it made him want to be a Super Saiyan 3 so badly.

(Author note: The reason Izuku wants Super Saiyan 3 so badly is because he wanted to show it off to Android 21.)

"Heh, Izuku I can see the stars in your eyes. I know that you want to reach Super Saiyan 3, but you must attain this power on your own. All that I can tell you is that the power is already inside you, you have to push hard to find it."

"Thank you Goku, I promise I won't let you down."

"You know Izuku, you remind me of 2 Saiyan girls in universe 6. They grew very fast like you did. I don't know if they have already attained Super Saiyan 3 yet, though you might be able to beat them."

Goku dropped out of Super Saiyan 3 and reverted back to his base form.

"Now old kai, I leave Izuku in your care. Please train him well to unlock his potential."

"I will Goku, now scram."

Goku put 2 fingers on his forehead as he used Instant Transmission to get back to Earth.

"All right sonny, now to train you."

Word count: about 2 pages of notebook paper front and back.

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