Chapter 13

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Chapter 13
Farkle's POV
I wrapped my arm around Maya's waist, as our eyes were fixed on the screen. She lays her head on my chest, and continues to watch. After about an hour, she looks up at me.

"I'm bored." She states. Then she immediately got up, and got dressed.

"What do you want to do?" I call to her. She grabs her sketchbook, jumping back on the bed next to me. She opens her book, and starts flipping through the pages. I put my lips against her shoulder as I watch her. Her fingers slide down a page, and she stops at that one. She continues to sketch with her delicate hand. I observe the picture.

"Is that Riley?" I asked her looking at the smiling doe eyed girl in the photo.

She nods, "I'm trying to get used to drawing her, for this thing I am working on."

"Can I see this thing?"

"Ummmm, it's not ready yet."

"Not ready?" I ask her.

"Yeah." She then lets out a huge exhale and continues sketching.

"You wanna go out again, or do you wanna stay inside?" I ask her.

"I wouldn't mind going out again since it's the weekend, where do you wanna go?"

"I was thinking we could go out to the city."

She turns, "But you said you hated the city."

"Yeah, I do. But you love it so much."

"Awwww," Maya coos, "That's so sweet."

"The night's still young anyways."

She nods in agreement, and I get dressed. Suddenly I heard voices from downstairs, Maya heard too. We descend the stairs to find Riley hugging someone. She lets go, and I see who it is. It was my cousin Charlisa.

"Charlisa!" I call to her, as I walk up to her. "I haven't seen you in forever." I hug her small body, and then I let go to smush her face, "Look how big you've gotten!" I joked. She and I were both around the same age. She was younger than me by only a year. She brushes her orange hair out of her face. She then looks behind me at Maya. "Oh, this is Maya." I introduce. "She's my girlfriend."

"Oooohhh Ggirrllfrrieeend!" Riley teases.

Charlisa's eyes widen, "Oh, you're Maya! I've heard so much about you."

Maya smiles at the attention, "You have?"

"Yeah, this one won't stop talking about you." She laughs shoving me. I could feel my cheeks redden. Riley places a sweet kiss on my cheek. Charlisa hugs
Maya, and after she lets go she sways side to side, swinging her arms.

"So, what do you guys want to do?" She asks.

"Maya and I were just about to head to the city."

Riley rolls her eyes, "Again?"

"Yeah, is there a problem with that?" I ask Riley not caring how abrupt I was. Riley crosses her arms. Suddenly, the sound of children's laughter interrupt us. Aunt V's husband walks through the door with their twins, Vikki and Vinnie, short for Vikandra and Vincent. The children hug me first, then they quickly go to hug Riley. Our Uncle greets me, and then heads into the dining room where my parents had been.

"Looks like we'll have to cancel our plans!" Riley exclaims in a childish tone as she picks Vikki up and kisses her cheek causing her to giggle. She then picked Vinnie up and kissed his cheek. Vinnie gagged at the affection.

Maya bends down to greet them, "Oh you two are so adorable. What are your names?"

Vikki stepps forward, "I'm Vikki, and that's Vinnie." She smiles as she points to her brother.

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